Right now, we have a rough plan on are action project so far. We talked about are ideas of what were planning on doing and researched a lot about are action, but we aren’t fully clear and affirmative of are main plan now.

Successes: One of the main and best successes we have had so far in my opinion is talking about are project and communicating with one and other in my group. I think this because communicating is a big thing when it comes to things like this. If you and your group don’t communicate, you won’t have a clear idea on what and how to do it.
Challenges: There are a few challenges that we have faced so far. Bottle drives are complicated already, but some examples of challenges we have faced are spreading the word/getting people to participate, transporting the bottles to Return it Depop, figuring out how to get the most bottles with the resources we have and more.
How we can fix the complication: One of the main things I’ve saw after researching that can probably benefit me and my group the most is organization. Like for example, we must organize when to go (due to weather and when people are available), where to go, schedule how long we are going to be out for, how to advertise/how to get people to come etc.
I also research ways to spread the word out about the bottle drive and how to get people to come. Some ways to spread the word out is putting up flyers/posters, putting up on Instagram/some social media app, doing some announcements/spreading the word around etc. The main idea I saw and the one I think is the best way to getting people to come is giving them something as a thank you for all of there help. I think this is the best idea because I’m not for sure how many people would volunteer their time for free to do a bottle drive. I just think giving them like a prize or something will boost up the chance of someone volunteering. I’m not for sure of what we can have as a prize, but its just an idea.
At the end, we are going to go to bring the bottles to Return it Depop. We will get the money we made and donate it to Wildlife Rescue Association of BC.
admin. (2023, March 18). Steps to Plan a Successful Bottle Drive – Happy Can Bottle Depot. Happy Can Bottle Depot. https://www.happycanbottledepot.com/plan-a-successful-bottle-drive/
Bottle Drives – Columbia Bottle Depots. (2024). Columbiabottle.com. https://columbiabottle.com/services/bottle-drives/
islandreturnit. (2014, October 17). 4 Steps To a Successful Bottle Drive – Island Return It. Island Return It. https://islandreturnit.com/2014/10/17/4-steps-to-a-successful-bottle-drive/
kd1admin. (2021, March 23). Why You Should Use Bottle Drives to Raise Money! Walden Bottle Depot. https://waldenbottledepot.ca/why-you-should-use-bottle-drives-to-raise-money/
megan. (2021, July 12). Why You Should Use Bottle Drives to Raise Money. North Hill Bottle Depot. https://northhillbottledepot.ca/why-you-should-use-bottle-drives-to-raise-money/
olivia. (2024). Is Aluminum Foil Recyclable In BC? – Regional Recycling Depot. Regional Recycling Depot. https://doi.org/1010333864/KJnMCI7EmPABEKjx4eED
Hey Ciara,
I really love your idea to bring your bottles to a Return it Depop to raise money for Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. I like how you noticed that there were some complications and you also had a plan to try and fix it or make it less of a complication. I feel you could use some more photos nearing the end of your blog post. For example a photo of the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC’s logo. If you have not already try and find out how you donate to this association.