Hello, and welcome to the third blog article for my action project. I intend to continue the recycling project I started last year, which involved teaching elementary school students about the importance of recycling.Making recycling enjoyable and engaging by combining a presentation and an activity. This year, however, we intend to teach them about the environment and climate change, as well as recycling. So far, we have compiled a list of suitable schools to which we can deliver our presentation.We have successfully recruited additional persons who are interested in forming an environmental club at our school.

This community helps us find other elementary schools that they can contact. However, some challenges are managing the club and keeping it active while trying to contact the schools as scon as possible. So, we can have as many schools as possible. My classmate (savannah) and I who are both working in this project are planning on meeting up later this week to sort it out and be able to contact the schools.

Thankyou for reading my blog post and hope that you read my future blog post
Dara CM
I very much enjoyed reading your blog post! I think that it is great that you are taking your action one step further this year by educating kids more subjects. Next time I think it would be great if you went into more detail on your plan with how you will educate the kids but other than that, your blog post is very nice. I also think it is great that you are planning on forming a club at your school and would love to hear more about it!
A site you might find useful:
I loved reading your blog post. I think it’s good for the kids to be aware of the environment and climate change because they are important topics that can benefit them to learn about. I’m glad that you have gotten people to join your club at your school and found a few schools for you to go to. It seems like you are very dedicated about teaching elementary school kids. Keep up the good work! Here is a site you might like.