In this action so far, I have made a plan, vaguely out lined it, and gotten my friends on board. I would call all of these successes. Like H. Jackson Brown, Jr said “Celebrate even small victories.”(1) One challenge we have yet to tackle is hammering out the details. We need to find a date, figure out all the logistics and put our plan into action. Our next step is overcoming these challenges that I have outlined.

In this post I will research and go through all the details.
First off, I will start by going through the complications I discussed in my last post, which are: Getting people to participate (give bottles), figuring out the logistics of the collection, storing the bottles once collected, transporting bottles (2)
After researching what makes a bottle drive successful this is what needs to be done:
We will need to get organized; Form clear roles, advertising, volunteer recruitment, sorting etc. Advertise early and with various methods: Use social media, flyers, manually spreading the word etc. Provide convenient drop-off locations: Set up in accessible popular public places. Make sure to highlight the cause and how the funds will be used. (3)(4)

Here is the step-by-step plan:
- Discuss with partners. Find dates, places and roles suitable for everyone and agreeable with the weather, also find a parent or someone with a drivers license who can help use move the bottles.
- Advertise. Create and post flyers around school, community center and other local places. Post on social media. We could get the announcement to advertise our bottle drive. We could maybe have a prize system, for example the person who donates the most bottles could get a gift card.
- Clean park. After picking park/parks, we will get tongs and buckets and collect the bottles.
- Run bottle drive. On the picked-out date we will have the drive at the chosen location/locations
- Bring the bottles to return it depo. Sort and the bottles, give it to employees, collect the money
- Donate money. Give the money to Wildlife Rescue Association of BC
A little bit about the organization:
Wildlife Rescue Association of BC is a charitable organization based in Burnaby, British Columbia Founded in 1979. Since then, more than 140,000 animals have been treated at its wildlife hospital and rehabilitation facility. Every year 5,000 wild animals in need are helped. They rescue, transport, and release animals keeping them wild. (5)

- Brown, H. J. (n.d.). Celebrate even small victories. Retrieved from
- Popa, Z. (2024). blog post #2 – sustainability and complications. Butterfly effect.
- (n.d.). Recycle bottles and cans to raise funds – fundraising ideas.
- kd1admin. (2022, June 19). Bottle Drives: Promote recycling while raising money for a good cause. Fish Creek Bottle Depot.
- WRA. (2024, June 25). Rescue, transport, and Release – Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. Wildlife Rescue Association of BC – Wildlife Rescue Association of BC.
Hey Zoe,
Your bottle drive action sounds like a great way to contribute to the community and to the wildlife that we call home! You have outlined a clear plan of action to take effect in the future.
I question how you plan to create pathos in your advertisements, how you will capture attention and convince people to volunteer? However sad it may be, a large portion of the population will not get out of the house to do something out of the good of their hearts unless there is an incentive, or they feel connected to the cause. Strong imagery or a heartfelt message might capture the attention of the public to sway them to join your cause.
Looking forward to hearing how your action plays out!
Melea Chew Roberts