For my action project, I am doing a bottle drive with two of my friends. We will be picking up bottles that we find and recycling them at Return it Depop. We will pick up bottles from the streets, parks, and wherever we can find littered bottles. Once we recycle them, we will donate the money we make to the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. We are doing this for are action project because we want to get rid of all the bottles that are being littered, so that they have a better use into being recycled and for the money to be donated. Also, we want to show people that if you recycle your bottles, it can help are planet. We also want to show people that after some time doing your part in picking up bottles and recycling them, you can make a profit and have a new learning experience.

Some complications we might have with the bottle drive. Getting bottles can be difficult, some examples are that we have to plan ahead (where we are gonna go when we are going, how long we are going to do it and how we are gonna do it so we get the most), spreading the word, transporting the bottles to Return it Depop and more.
We think the action we are doing is sustainable. We get to help clean up local areas for everyone. We minimize the amount of bottles that are on the ground. As well as donating the money we make to a good organization to help the animals.
Not only do bottle drives raise money and awareness for a good organization, but they also help save the planet at the same time. You might not know, many people are unaware of the benefits of recycling, and bottle drives are a great way to teach people about the benefits of recycling. As well as us learning a few things during are experience.
Hi Ciara,
I love how almost every part of the process is going to a good cause and it feels very nice watching community work happen. One thing that I loved during my time doing community work was always learning something along the way so maybe a thing you could try is to maybe make deep conversations about how much of an affect you will have on peoples lives not just the community at large but even at an individual level. Its also nice to plan for routes that would make more pickups overall which could be something you try before with your group. Again its really nice watching people make some real changes in the world. We need more people like you, keep it up!
– Alex F