the action I am planning on taking is the same action that I did last semester, the action is educating kids on how to better take care of our planet. For the starting fazes I will be discussing with the other members in the club on the schools we would like to go to and what specific topics we would like to go into detail with.
the biggest complexity I think that we will face is possibly point of view and the countering opinions we will face, like different house hold beliefs on the importance of environmental action.

I belief that we are taking sustainable action as we are furthering children’s education on how to properly take care of our planet which will hopefully keep the future of the earth as a whole brighter.
By making our community more sustainable we will also be ensuring that generations to come have the same opportunities that we have without having to constantly worry about natural disasters. We will also be providing amidite opportunities to the kids we teach by giving them exposure to the basics of environmental sciences which might open some doors for them like science fares, or even just spark an interest that they can go deeper into
We have been in contact with an aeronautical engineer who works for tesla, we hope to be maybe have her come in and present on her findings on sustainability and how everyone can make a difference but, if it is not possible to have her come in we will just be contacting through email.
Another person that we have been in contact with Is one of the people who helped design Canadas environmental education system, we hope to discus with her on how we can properly and effectively tach kids on the environment.
Thank you for reading my blog post 2.

Hi Savannah,
I really enjoyed reading your blog post and I think that your action is a great idea! I love that you’re educating kids on how to better our planet and I think that this will be a very useful action for our world. The kids might not know much about taking care of our planet and could be negatively impacting it without even knowing so I think it would be very helpful if you told them what they might be doing, that is not so great. A few questions that I have for you are: What topics do you think are the most important to teach the kids? What will you do if someone disagrees with something you say? Here is a link that you might find helpful:'s,items%20into%20the%20correct%20bins.
Hi Savannah!
I think your topic is relevant and current to our environment today, as well as for the future generations who will be a part of it. Many people will find your topic intriguing and helpful, as our communities are always looking to improve environmental standards and practices. I think targeting schools is a very smart idea because kids are very keen on learning and are impressionable. Your approach to making activities and information that are transferable is a perfect way to keep your audience engaged. I like that you are including environmental sciences and connecting that to science fairs because it is a great way to bridge education and real-world applications. However, I did have this one thought. Some scientific information may be a bit dry for younger audiences, so I think it is worth your time to explore more creative and interactive activities to keep it fun and entertaining. It is also a very smart idea to contact professionals in this field because it adds credibility and depth to the work. The person who helped design Canada’s environmental education system is an especially valuable and important resource to consider. I am also quite curious about the Tesla engineer you mentioned. How does their perspective connect around the sustainability of their batteries, such as how they are made and disposed of when they stop working? This process can sometimes be more harmful than productive. I think that this could be an interesting idea and angle to explore!
Here is a website that may help you in your research:
Hope this helps! I look forward to what else you come up with in the future.
Best regards,
Hello Savannah,
Really enjoyed reading your blog post. I love what you are doing. Making kids aware about the environment is important. They probably don’t know much about it because of how young they are, and what you are doing really benefits them and teaches them how to properly take care of our planet. I also love how you a continuing what you are doing since last year. Good luck! Here is a site you might like.