The action I are taking is the process of educating younger children on the importance of recycling. So far we have had two meeting and are looking for more dates people are available to discuss and plan future events. We are looking to have one meeting a month. We are looking to create and put our plans in action within about one month. Some adults will not treat as intellectually equals because we are too young and will be expected to have less experience or less knowledge on this subject. This is simply because “they’re older” and to them age equals wisdom.

Where that is quite on the contrary, seeing as some adults do not know anything about recycling and sustainability, and we have educated our selves properly on this subject. Yes this action is sustainable because we are providing information to the younger generation on how to sustain our environment and the planet as a whole. Our hope is they will continue to share this information almost like the game telephone. The game works by the players form a line or circle, and the first player comes up with a message and whispers it to the ear of the second person in the line. The second player repeats the message to the third player, and so on. When the last player is reached, they announce the message they just heard, to the entire group. In this case, the message is the information about recycling and sustainability.

Which will create many long term benefits for the environment and the society. We all want the future generates to experience the same things we did. This give more life opportunities for the future generations to come, not just of a planet that is dying, but a planet that is healthy and beautiful. When educating we are making sure that we only tell people the truth, information that is scientifically proven, not just conspiracy theories.
opportunity we have
Hey Eden,
I really liked your action blog post. You described your plan and the importance clearly. I liked how you compared teaching and instructing to children as if it was the game, telephone. Your images are very relevant to your post and they described exactly what you were trying to say. I think that teaching kids the importance of recycling is a great idea and it is smart to start teaching children early in anything that they do. I agree that the longterm benefits of your action plan will improve our planet and the environment. Next time, I would use an image that had less flashy colours, unlike the neon green colour that you chose, to keep it visually appealing.
I would keep finding dates and times to help instruct recycling, but it looks like a really good plan for your action project.
– Ariana