I plan to return to my previous middle school to assist students in a class. I’ve decided to visit Hillcrest Middle School multiple times this semester. I am going to start this project by emailing my previous teacher and discussing my idea with her. I already did this action project two years ago, and I’m hoping to volunteer with the same teacher again.

A complexity I will face in this project is connecting with the students because sometimes kids aren’t usually open to new people and are afraid to ask questions and talk to them. I will prevent this by always smiling and approaching the students to introduce myself, so they know I am happy to help. Another challenge will be developing a plan so that I don’t fall behind on my own work at school while still being able to do my action several times. I will overcome this by communicating with my teachers and completing missed work on my own time because sometimes sacrifices must be made.

This action is sustainable because I can form friendly bonds with the kids and demonstrate to the teacher that I am reliable. For example, if those students come to my high school next year and see me in the hallways, they will know that if they need help, I will always lend a hand. I can also enlighten them about how different high school is from middle school and give them tips on how to manage the workload because I have been in their shoes not so long ago. Also, in the future when the teacher needs a helper for activities, she can trust to reach out to me. An example of this could be if the teacher needs a volunteer for Sports Day.

This action is providing an opportunity for the students to learn concepts in class better because I can go around and help them with different questions in subjects they are struggling with. I can also inform them about what high school is like for me and my friends, so they can prepare and know what to anticipate. I will ensure that I am having a positive impact on each student by having a meaningful conversation with each one because sometimes you have to reach out first. Also, once the teacher has finished giving the lesson, I will go around the classroom asking if anyone has any questions because learning something new sometimes takes a few explanations.

Mrs. Carston, the teacher of my old grade eight classroom, is my expert. She has been a teacher for many years and is highly outgoing and approachable. Her cheerful personality will help me on my journey by teaching me how to approach each individual in her class to have a positive impression on them. Furthermore, because she has been working with these students for a couple of months, she can show me different tactics that each student learns better with. For example, some people benefit from seeing the content written on the board, but others prefer to have it explained to them. She was also my expert the last time I did this project, so I know she will be happy to help again!
Most of my answers have remained the same from the last time I did this action project because I am hoping to achieve the same successful results. I will be using the same strategies and activities I have done in the past but improving them a little to make them more appealing to the young students. I am excited to make an even bigger impact at this school by connecting with more students since I have already built relationships with the teachers there.
Hi Mahadiya,
I really enjoyed reading your Action Post! I like that you included many images to make it visually appealing for the reader. I work at a camp that has middle school volunteers, so I understand how sometimes it can be difficult to connect with them! I would have loved to see you touch on how you can personally try and make an impact on their lives and how you can potentailly inspire them to volunteer somewhere themselves. It would be cool to tell the students about Social Responsibility as well since they’re going to be in grade 9 next year as well :). I would have also loved to see some ideas you have as activities for the class. I like how you are continuing to build your connection with your expert by keeping in contact with the same one as last year.
Overall, I look forward to seeing the progress with your Action Post and I’m sure you’ll be a great role model.
Hi Mahadiya,
I loved reading your post! The idea seems really fun and exciting because middle schoolers look up and listen more and to older people, mostly teenagers. They will probably listen to you more and you would also have fun helping explaining content to them. Your for sure going to be a good role model to middle schoolers!
In conclusion, I can’t wait to see your next action post!