Hi there! This is the current story plotline for my short story! Hope you enjoy reading it!
- Eve is a sixteen-year-old teenager, who has always loved socializing with her friends and hanging out with her family members.
- She is ambitious and curious and dreams about travelling around the world.
- She lives in Manitoba, Canada with her mother in a comfy and small home.
- Her daily routine revolves around going to school, studying and talking to her classmates.
Point of Attack:
- One evening, her mother sits her down and tells her that they are moving away to a small town near Hudson Bay.
- She hates this idea, as she has to leave behind her friends and family.
- She tries every way to convince her mother not to move, but it is no use.
- she tries to make the best out of the situation but can feel the heavy weight inside of her.
Rising Action:
- Eve unwillingly settles in with her new life.
- One night, she hears a strange, gentle melody. It creeps her out but also somehow calms her down. it eventually pulls her into a deep sleep.
- She can hear this sound at night time every day.
- She cannot ignore it anymore.
- She decides to explore where the mysterious sound is coming from.
- On a night where everything is quiet, Eve waits until her mother is asleep. She throws on a sweater, grabs a flashlight and steps out of the cabin and enters the cool night air.
- As she makes her way to the sea, she can hear the melody getting louder and she walks closer.
- When she touches the water with her hands, she is suddenly swept away by a sudden force and is knocked unconscious.
- When she wakes up again, she finds herself in a cage-like place which is damp and dimly lit. As she panics, she tries to escape but realizes that she is really trapped inside.
- Suddenly, she hears the same melody.
- It echoes down into a dark and narrow passageway which leads deeper into the cave.
- She is not sure what she should do but decides to follow the sound and walks farther into the place.
Falling Action:
- As Eve steps further and further, she can hear the melody becoming clearer and more intense. As she is walking, she begins to see a faint glimmer on the walls.
- She wonders where and what this place could be.
- The passageway leads to an even bigger cavern.
- Eve sees a dark, blurry figure in the middle.
- The figure then speaks to her and offers her two choices.
- She can either return to the tiny village or she can stay and explore this unknown place. She hesitates, thinking of her mother and some of the new friends she has made.
- She knows that she should leave this place, but she also wants to go around to travel and explore.
- The thought of going on an adventure excites her. She wants to experience something she has never felt before.
- After a few moments, she makes her choice to explore this unknown place.
This is the basic plot of my story, though I might change a few parts when I’m writing it!
Thanks for reading! 😊

Hi Isabella,
I am very interested in this magical story you are planning out, I’m excited to see where it leads you. It feels like the portion that you’ve labelled as a resolution would fit better as a climax, as it is the turning point of the story, the big choice Eve must make to determine her future.
I question if you have taken inspiration from local myth or legend, or from magical creatures that are already well known in storytelling such as sirens and mermaids? If so, what other aspects of their myths might you add to your story? If not, how can you distance these new myths or magical creatures from those that already exist?
Excited to read more,
Melea Chew Roberts
Hello Isabella! Your story has a great degree of imagination, I think it’d amaze anyone else. However, I was still questioning, what does this mysterious entity really portray, what’s the meaning behind it and why can Eve rely on it as easily, we could add a little more detail in that. But I’m really excited to get to read all through it. David C.