Here’s my Inquiry project outline :
- My first part of my research will be focused on breaking down acne, along with information about the condition. I will explain what acne is, along with how the functions of the integumentary system (the skin’s system) cause acne. I will go over the different types of acne. along with a brief elaboration on the best way to treat that specific type. I chose this as the first step of my research because my inquiry question revolves around acne. Without this general understanding of acne, readers may not comprehend the second part of my research. This first step is for the “What is acne,” part of my project, to help readers understand the condition.
- The second step of my research will be focused on what acne leaves behind- physically and emotionally. I will focus on explaining how the various marks acne leaves behind have a large affect on one’s appearance. I will also elaborate on how those affects on the appearance can cause insecurity and frustration. I will also research the added effort people with acne put into ridding themselves of the condition and its marks. This will be part of the “how does it affect our physical and mental day-to-day life” portion, adding more depth on the condition’s struggles.
- The final part of my project will be about social media’s influence on how acne is viewed. I will talk about how social media portrays acne, and how that leads to the generalization that acne is unwanted. I will interview people who have dealt with acne, seeing how their experiences with acne add new insight on the condition and its effects.
5 sources that will help my research:
My inquiry question will implicate to others through its relatability. Many people, teenagers especially, have dealt with acne. My question will allow these people a chance to connect over their shared experience and see the normality of the condition. The question will raise awareness of the mental affects of acne, as they are not often discussed, along with providing help for how to deal with the condition.
Thank you for reading Maisie’s blog! I hope you found something interesting:)

Hi Maisie,
This is such an interesting inquiry project! I also want to gain insight on how our physical appearances like acne impact our mental health. A question I have for you is how to prevent acne because I noticed you are going to talk about the causes so maybe you can talk about the treatments as well? I have provided a couple of links below that highlight ways to treat acne. Hopefully, they can help you with your research. Nevertheless, I look forward to reading your next blog post!
Mahdiya A.
Hi maisie!
Your blog post is off to a great start—it’s clear you’ve done a lot of research into acne from every perspective. I appreciate how you’re laying down the information, the emotional aspect, and even the impact of social media! may be useful; they have a lot of information on various types of acne and treatment choices, as well as a community part that may provide some real-life viewpoints for your project. Keep up the excellent work!
-Dara CM
Hello Maisie,
Your blog caught my eye since acne is something I struggle with currently and in the past. I love how you chose a topic many of us can relate to and learn from. Since it is mostly teenagers who struggle with acne, your blogs could educate us. Your last round of research is linked with my inquiry topic as well -how social media conveys beauty standards. A suggestion I have is to mention accutane. This is something I learned through social media when trying to find solutions to getting rid of acne. I am not sure whether learning about accutane through social media is the most healthy as there are side effects for the price of not getting acne. And since I see people on social media going on accurate for light acne when it is made for people with severe skin diseases. Here are some resources that can help: