Hi everyone! I am planning help the cookie club in making money to give Children’s hospital by spreading awareness for the sales in social media, making cookies, and helping sell cookies.

Some of the complexity I may face is if my cookies end up not looking appetizing or being appetizing. Another can be if the cookie club doesn’t get enough people knowing about the sale, so we don’t end up fundraising a lot. Also one can be if not enough people make cookies or help spread awareness to boost the popularity of the bake sale and it’s goal. The last one that I can think of is if people don’t realize the impact of the goal or don’t know where the money goes, so they end up thinking it just for the student’s pockets or its for the school, while actually it for an important cause.

This action can be sustainable environmentally-wise, as we can donate the food we don’t sell to homeless shelters. We can also use all the food waste like the eggshells to make compost to help trees and plants grow. This action is sustainable to others as the club helps children struggling to pay their hospital bills to grow up and be able to help their family with their health. They will be able to grow up, study, get the job with the income to help their family if they ever need it.

This action is providing opportunity like I said above, helping families pay their hospital bills can make sure the future generations are never in the situation that they need help to. This action is providing both charity and opportunity because of the money we are providing for the families to make sure, they are able to study or get the jobs to never be in a place where they need help financially.

Thank you for reading this whole thing! I hope to post more about what I am doing to help others!
Hi Parmis,
Cookies sound like a great and accessible way to spread awareness and raise money for different causes. Making food look appetizing can be hard, but baking commonly known cookies or cookies that are not incredibly complicated can reduce your risk of having the cookies come out looking unappetizing. Spreading awareness and letting the students know where the money will go to go hand in hand. If you properly advertise with a sign and/or social media post, the students will be made aware of why you are doing this fundraiser.
Looking forward to your next steps in your action,
Melea Chew Roberts
Hi Parmis,
I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think what you are doing is good and well planned out. I think it’s a really good idea to sell cookies because many people love sweat treats for a good price. As well as where the money is going to. Hopefully the cookie sale will really spread awareness to the people who are buying them, so that they know its for a good cause. I also love that you have a plan if you don’t sell all the cookie. I think your plan is going to go very well. Best luck to you! Btw the cookies will look very delicious don’t worry. Here is a site you might like.