Hi and welcome back to my blog! This is my first blog post of this semester.
For this blog I will be looking at values and doing research about united nations 17 sustainable development gaols! And these are my results

According to the Values Activity, my top three most important values are 1) spiritual growth; 2) compassion; 3) family and my least important three values are innovation, belonging, and reliability. several of these I agree that these are my top values, however I would add family to the list if I could. I disagree with the least important values since I still believe they are significant, but not as important as the top three I choose! I still practise all these values, but for this activity, these would be my bottom three. Compared to previous year, my top three are similar; we both have spiritual growth as my number one priority, second is helping and third is family. The only difference is that number two has been changed this year to compassion. This is because this year, I learnt to help others and listen to those around us with care, I learned this by doing an action project and getting the opportunity to connect with others. For me spiritual growth his very important because I am Christian, and I am learning to grow closer to God. I believe that we should all treat each other with care since you never know what the person can be going through, which is why we should be sympathetic. Lastly for me family is everything and will always be in my top three value.

For the Research United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the ones that aligned with my values were number 12 “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” stood out to me the most because I believe that doing everything, we can help save the world and wildlife is critical. Number 3 “good health and well-being” stood out to me because I believe that everyone deserves and should lead a healthy life. Number 4 “climate action” stood out to me because it is something we need to do more of because the environment is slowly dying. I plan on taking into action number 4 by teaching our younger generation about our environment t and climate change so they/we can make a difference. This is still the same as last year and I hope I can continue to take these values into action
Thank you
-Dara CM