My three most important values are equality, helping, and compassion. Equality is an important value for me as I believe everyone is equal to one another no matter your race, gender, what you’re going through, what you, or even what you were. Everyone is equal to one another. Another important value to me is helping because when someone needs help no matter how small or big of a favor, if you can, then you should help. Helping is crucial as it can be in different ways like helping with homework, teaching something, doing fundraisers for important causes. My last important value is compassion. Compassion is another form of helping in my opinion if you use it properly. I feel that many people use compassion to feel guilty for people and end up making the own person feel bad about them self. When used properly, compassion can be helpful to your loved ones, as a way to show that you care, want to help them, and won’t judge them no matter what. I agree with these results because equality is important to me since I grow up in a country where men were prioritized over men, helping being another important one as helping others is crucial if we want to make a world a better place, and compassion is another as it can be used for the good to show that you care about loved ones.

My three least important values are risk, tradition, recognition. While risk being needed sometime, it can also go very wrong causing a huge problem to you or others around you. I also feel that I don’t risk a lot of things as I want things to go smoothly, rather than gambling that something bad or good happens when you can just try your best to ensure the best happens. Tradition is my second least important value because while I feel tradition is important, it can also be morally wrong. Tradition is important to have, like a bracelet or a necklace passed down, but when it is a girl getting married at 14 to 56 year old mad because it is “tradition”, I feel it is messed up. While recognition is important, I feel that some people use that as motivation, to do good things to be remembered. I think that it is very shallow to do that because when helping someone, you’re supposed to be helping them not using them for your needs to be remembered. Overall, I agree with the results because risk is something that I don’t do often, tradition is important, but can be used for bad motives in my opinion, and recognition is not needed if you just want to do something good.

Number 5 (gender equality) aligns with my values the most as growing up in a country where its not quite rare to see child marriage, it makes me sad to think young girls won’t get to learn or be a kid and just be shipped off for money. This is an example of gender inequality and tradition, because its tradition to get a girl married before they turn 16. Number 3 (good health and being) is my passion as children, adults, animals, anyone deserve health care no matter what race, gender, age they are. In my opinion healthcare should be free because people no matter what they have done, don’t deserve to just suffer in pain because they can’t afford it.

An action I am taking for this course is being in the cookies for a cause club. We make, sell, advertise cookies and all proceeds go to Children’s Hospital to help kids who’s families can’t afford healthcare be reassured.