Hello, Welcome to my blog post!! My inquiry question is “how does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?”. I will be sharing three questions that revolve around my topic to help me find my final answer.
- How does social media influencers affect the self esteem and body image of teenage girls when it comes in relation to the fashion industry?
As for any research project, I believe that it is important to know background information on the topic I am interested in. That is why, I believe that researching how influencers can affect how teenage girls see themselves relates to my original topic “How does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?”. As I research this question, there will be a variety of different answers because it depends on the opinion of others.
2. In what ways can social media put pressure on teenage girls to keep up with certain trends to maintain a certain status?
I plan to research how social media is very common for putting pressure on teenage girls to follow strict regulations, and to keep up with trending items. This relates to my original question because it shows that it affects how teenagers think when under the influence of social media and other influencers.
3. In what ways can social media/influencers affect teenage girls purchasing decisions by promoting certain fashion trends?
For my third and final question, i will be researching how social media affect purchasing decisions based off influencers and trends that are popular on the internet, amongst teenage girls. This relates to my topic because how teenage girls think about certain items based off social media relates to my original topic “How does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?’.

This article gives a brief description on how social media is heavily affecting the fashion industry for everyone and not just teenage girls.
this arctic explains how social media is quite well known for increasing beaut standards that are unrealistic that make teen girls feel a certain way
This website shares their research about how certain influencers and social media trends can change the thoughts of a buyer based off ones opinions on a certain product.
Child Mind Institute, shares how social media is the main cause for body dysmorphia amongst teenagers specifically. they also explain that social media is bad for your mental health because it puts unrealistic standards in your head.
Lastly, this website explains the pros and cons that social media has introduced society too.

finding an answer to my main inquiry question is important because it affects many people in todays society, and my research can impact the people around me. This is because of the amount of people on social media and the trends that come along with it. Many people that are influencers have big followings and can lead to their followers doing what they see and influenced to do. Including myself, being influenced is very easy and to fall for peoples tricks to think differently on a certain product. Body image is very important and is currently a big topic in todays society, which is why I feel that it is important to research and explore for todays society.
Thank you for reading!