Hello everyone, my name is Scott Lyu, a grade 12 student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. My inquiry project of choice is “Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors?” I chose this because I’ve had ADHD my entire life, and what caused me to have it has always been a question that I’ve wondered on free time and have not figured out yet. A lot of my friends and teachers that I know also have ADHD, but it doesn’t seem like ADHD discriminates, and everyone have just the equal chance to be diagnosed with it. Since having ADHD is not necessarily the best thing in the world, and I often find myself struggling really hard to focus, I want to try to see if there is a solution to this mental disorder that effects millions of people world-wide. Since I am not equipped with any knowledge on the actual cause of ADHD, and as the beginning of my journey to try to find the potential cure or solution to ADHD, I would like to start first knowing the actual cause of ADHD, then with the knowledge of such, I can start trying to find a cure for it.

I’ve also been highly interested in this topic and became very empathetic specially since I myself have adhd, I have a lot of valuable knowledge that I’d love to converse with you, by the way thank you very much for rising awareness with the picture there, it highlights every single trait from the most to the least notorious and popular.