
Inquiry Blog Post #1: What is acne and how does it affect our physical and mental day-to-day life? 

Welcome to Maisie’s Blog Post #1! As my first ever project in IDS, I have chosen to do an Inquiry Project. The topic question I have chosen is “What is acne and how does it affect our physical and mental day-to-day life?” For those who are unaware, acne is a medical condition that occurs when one is prone to having clogged pores, causing all sorts of skin concerns caused by clogged pores. I will be conducting research into the causes of acne and how acne works, along with the mental effects of acne. A small portion of my research will also be focused on how acne is portrayed through social media and how it contributes to the generalization that acne is unwanted and ugly, which relates to the mental effects portion of my project.

I will start my project with some information as to what acne is, because many people confuse the skin condition with “having a few pimples”. For my research into the causes of acne and how acne works, I will write about the skin’s various layers, including the properties each layer contains. I plan to explain every property in detail, along with how they contribute to clogged pores. To do this, an explanation of the parts of the integumentary system (the skin’s system) that play a role in creating acne will be included. I will be talking about the main internal and external causes of acne, such as genetics and bacteria, since acne can be developed from a variety of ways. I will also dive into how those causes lead to the appearance of acne on the skin, along with the aftermath of what acne brings. I will create sub-categories regarding the different types of acne, as well.

Now I will explain the “how does it affect our day-to-day life?” portion of my project. To do this, I will look into the added amount of effort spent trying to clear one’s acne, for example, through skincare. Personally, I have surely stayed up late doing skincare, knowing that if I don’t, the dire consequences of getting pimples and scarring that lasts year-long will occur. To add on to this, I will see if people with acne will be open to an interview concerning this topic. The condition, even after the pimples have faded, leaves various types of red marks(blemishes) on the skin’s surface, causing self-consciousness and damage to one’s confidence regarding their appearance. As someone with acne, I have noticed many videos on social media with tutorials demonstrating “How to get rid of acne in 7 days,” along with makeup tutorials showing the best way to conceal or get rid of blemishes. Of course, these videos are meant to aid people’s struggles with acne. Yet, as an unintentional side affect, this contributes to the generalization that acne is ugly and unwanted. This is just one of many examples of how we, as a society, have come to associate this condition. Not only does acne affect one’s self-esteem, but it also can cause anger and frustration, especially when no product seems to work, causing more painful pimples and clogged pores. To add on, many people who have never experienced acne do not understand the severity of the condition. This means that many people are unable to seek help to treat their skin’s troubles. In some instances, perhaps parents or guardians downplay the condition and do not attempt to comprehend their child’s need for help, causing a larger amount of negative emotions and lower self-esteem. Thus, I will do more research regarding these mental effects.

I chose this topic for my Inquiry Project because I have experienced all of these difficulties firsthand. I write this in hopes that it will help readers who have experience with acne to gain an understanding of this condition. I understand that dealing with acne can be difficult, so I hope to provide a certain level of comfort in acknowledging what many people prefer not to discuss. Personally, I am really interested in skincare and the skin’s properties, so this project will allow me to explore my interests and see if others may relate to my experience.

Thank you for reading! I hope you will find my project interesting!

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