
About me – David (9) Very First Year

Helloooo! My name is David Cordoba and I am an international student with a common dream of leaching to Canada and the beautiful world there moves around me key of the opportunity that this country has given to discover more of the art of humans itself. I am 14 stretchedly soon. I reside in Coquitlam city,

Currently attending Grade 9 in Ecole Charles best secondary school (my first year) and passionate to the cause of our class Butterfly effect. What really brought me to be so inspired to the subject itself reduced to 2 great components; The level of Inquiry and mix of Social Sciences, and the chance it gives me to in-depth worldwide subjects to such degree of value. I stand grateful to have this class.

My favourite subject so far is been both Drama and Entrepreneurship and Business appliance. For Instance my flameout appreciation for Entrepneurship, is how I feel like I can implement my whole strength somewhere, with all the strategic Analysis thought process, the dedication and opportunity for one to grow their strengths and being so explicitly. The ability, quality and connection with social engineering one possesses. For another side Drama involves simply so much feeling, from the scenarios where you have to pose up and get the best out of your biggest hands-on Art projection. To the way you have depth in multiple personalities with the touch of yours and all the sensation this provokes on me, everyone and the spaces around me.

What is my passion?
I am passionate about the complexity and richness of emotions—both the high positive and high negative ones. To me, they are like poles of a vast spectrum, each deserving exploration. The significance behind these emotions is fascinating, as they offer us deep insights into life and existence. I find it thrilling to delve into the purpose of life itself, pondering the philosophical questions that shape our reality. How do we implement these insights in our daily lives? What role do they play in enhancing our experiences and the way we perceive the world? These are the things that fuel my curiosity and enrich my senses every single day.

What is my gift?
Since childhood, I’ve had this instinctive ability to stand out from others. My intuition feels like a heightened “sixth sense,” almost like a light that guides me through life. I often see things that others might miss, and this vision has been a profound gift for me. It allows me to understand situations and people on a deeper level, and my intelligence feels amplified because of it. Whether it’s reading between the lines or sensing the direction of an event or conversation, this gift has allowed me to navigate life with a special kind of insight.

What does community signify to me?
To me, the word community is deeply significant. It embodies the togetherness and dynamic interaction between our human senses. Community is where people come together to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, contributing to a larger sense of unity. It’s about how our individual perspectives interact and complement one another, creating a collective bond that enhances our understanding of life.

What problem would I love to resolve?
The issue I’m most passionate about tackling is the corruptive political system. In my view, it is the root cause of inequality and the breeding ground for much of the evil that torments society today. Corruption within politics perpetuates injustice and fuels the divide between different classes and communities. If I could make a difference in one area, it would be in reshaping political structures to promote fairness, justice, and true equality.

This is a glimpse into who I am and what drives me. Thank you for reading!

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