Hello it’s Alex! Today, I will be picking a category of project I want to do. For this year I think I will be writing a story.
I can’t really think of an exact story senerio because I need to think about how I could write this story in the long term so I will just be writing what I would like the story’s concept to be about.
I am unsure about the overarching story but I want to make this a political and truthful story of real world senerios and people having to deal with all the struggles in a first world society. Maybe the setting will be in Vancouver, maybe California, maybe Kuntucky. I don’t really know. All I know is that I’ve seen the world as it is and I’ve been dealing with my own issues and now I just want a character I can vent all my frustrations with everything about on. It probably wont be light hearted but it will try to be funny.
I want the story to have a central theming that no matter who you are you can have common ground with anyone and its good to show sympathy for everyone on this planet even if you share differences.

The characters will be based on real people I’ve interacted with. I see everyone as equals no matter what their opinions on anything is, no matter what part of the political spectrum you’re on you are still as equal a person to me. As such I will be trying to revolve my story around every real person I’ve met and who I’ve gotten to know as a person and maybe share their view point of the world. I do this is because I am normally friendly with everyone I meet and to truely represent that we are all equal even if we share our differences.
The work is mostly gonna be influenced by works that revolve around the struggles of society as a whole, as such some works that I will be deriving direction from will be works such as “Death of Salesmen” by Arthur Miller, its an amazing work for how old it is and I wanna channel its energy along with a few of the songs by 2pac that I’ve been all over with recently and make something that combines the 2.

I feel like I wanna truely make an accurate depiction of characters as they are in real life so I want to truely dive into the psyche of these people to educate the extremist masses of the world about other people to bring us together. Luckily, I am in contact with most of the people I want to turn into characters as I feel like they are great ambassadors of these groups of people as represent pretty well how they think to a point where you can draw conclusions about a sizable portion of these communities from them.
Doing this project feels very therapeutic to me as it’s nice to just have these ideas out and about my brain.
Sorry that this was on the short side but I am still pretty unsure at how I want the story to go but I will try and draw up a plan as the month goes on.
I love how passionate and thoughtful you are about this project already, even if you’re still working out the details. It’s okay not to have everything figured out yet – great stories often come together piece by piece, and the concept you’ve shared is already so intriguing! I’m really excited to see how you explore real people’s psyches and bring their perspectives to life in such an honest and empathetic way.
Also, I’m curious – how did you first get to know Death of a Salesman? It’s such a powerful play, and I think it’s fascinating that you’re blending its themes with inspiration from 2Pac’s music. If you’re interested, there’s a great resource on Miller’s work on https://www.americantheatre.org/ about American theater classics. It might spark even more ideas for you!
Looking forward to seeing how your project evolves!