
About Me Biography – Perla Halime

Hi! My name is Perla Halime and I am a grade 12 student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School, and I am in the French Immersion Program. This is my 3rd year taking the course Social Responsibility. My favorite part about the course is getting to learn new things from both writing my own Blog Posts and reading other people’s amazing Blog Posts.

I originally found out about PA-MOJA through my school and the goals and values of the organization really resonated with mine, which is why this course caught my eye so much, since I could apply this firsthand and make a difference fro children across the world. My past experiences taking this course have really changed my point of view on many things through Inquiry Posts and through being able to virtually meet people on the board of PA-MOJA along with other school children of all ages. This course is very different then the other courses I take at school which is why I truly enjoy it.

This year, I expect Butterfly to teach me just as much aboyt myself as it did last year. I’m looking forward to leading more fundraisers this year and to keep on learning things about my school peers and about other people across the world. I look forward to further meeting my new peers and hopefully encourage others to take the course next year too! I have been doing Inquiry projects that build onto eachother for the past two years and I plan on continiuing exploring my Inquiry journey this year too.

One of my big passions is playing soccer. I have played soccer ever since I was in elementary school and ever since I began playing, it has always been a huge part of my identity. The soccer club I play with has different levels based on coachability, possession, attacking, defending, position, striking, athleticism, and commitment. Now I play Metro-level soccer, which is the second highest level across lower-mailand soccer clubs and a competitive and intense team to play on within the club. I have also played on my school’s soccer team for three years and I plan on continuing to play on it for my last year at school. My coaches throughout the years have inspired me to push myself beyond the limit and accomplish things that I didn’t even believe I was capable of. I really enjoy playing with lots of old friends I gerw up with and continuing to play both club and school soccer with my current friends. From one of my huge passions, I have learned many lessons and had many positve experiences all making up the person I am today. I have learned team-work and how to collaboratively work with others towards a common goals and how to build connections with like-minded people.

Something else I really enjoy doing as a hobby is lsitening to music. I listen to music a lot during my free-time, in the car, on my way from school and when hanging out with friends as well. One of my favourite artists is Frank Ocean, he producfes many different genres of msuic and touches people across the world. Frank Ocean’s music has been incredibly influential to me, both as an artist and in my personal life. His emotional depth and creative fearlessness have shaped how I express myself and navigate through my own experiences. One thing that stands out to me about Frank Ocean is how he refuses to be boxed in by one genre. He mixes R&B, soul, electronic, and indie sounds so effortlessly, especially in his album Blond and Channel Orange. His willingness to push boundaries has encouraged me to think outside the box creatively. Frank Ocean’s approach to music has shown me that I don’t have to follow a specific mold, whether it’s in art, music, or life. Frank Ocean’s exploration of identity and self-discovery is another aspect of his music that has deeply impacted me. His openness about his own journey and experiences (especially with his younger brother) has made me reflect on my own identity, helping me understand the importance of being true to myself. His music has helped me relate to others experiences and feel for others who have different or similar experiences with me. In many ways, Frank Ocean has helped shape the way I see myself and the world, encouraging me to express my truth fearlessly and to explore the full spectrum of my emotions without holding back.

Some different music artists I really like include Brent Faiyaz, Drake, Bryson Tiller and SZA. They all resonate wiht me in different ways and I enjoy listening to them since their music has lots of variation in style.

My community also holds a significant place in my life, influencing me in various ways. As humans, we cherish the sense of belonging, making the connection and belonging within a community vital. The feeling of safety and belonging stems from our community. For me, community embodies a place where one feels a true sense of belonging. Without our communities, the ability to engage with others, feel valued, seen, and heard would be absent. I firmly believe that community stands as one of the most crucial aspects of our world, a sacred entity that we must safeguard. Communities are united by shared attitudes, values, and aspirations, enabling individuals to find like-minded people within their community to connect with and gain self-understanding. I am surrounded by individuals who inspire me daily, who motivate me to strive for the best version of myself. These people have significantly shaped who I am today, and I take pride in being part of a community that includes such remarkable individuals.

One of my personal mentors who also greatly values this is John Lennon. I have done many projects on him and his influence on people in the past. John Lennon’s influence on me runs deep, touching various aspects of my life. As a musician, his songs have not only entertained me but also served as a source of inspiration, encouraging me to express myself creatively and appreciate the beauty of music. Beyond his musical talents, Lennon’s commitment to peace and activism has left a lasting impression on me. His advocacy for love, unity, and social change has motivated me to strive for a better world, to stand up against injustice, and to promote harmony and understanding in my community. Lennon’s legacy serves as a constant reminder of the impact one individual can have on the world, inspiring me to make a positive difference in my own way.

Overall, I am really looking forward to learning more about the things I love and meeting new people. Thank you for reading and I’m very excited to get started!

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