
Blog Post #7 – Reflection

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?

During this inquiry project, one of the main challenges I faced was gathering relevant and reliable data. I overcame this obstacle by analyzing a variety of sources, including google scholar articles, journals, research papers, personal experiences and primary research methods. Additionally, managing my time effectively was crucial. I utilized project management techniques like setting goals and deadlines to ensure steady progress and meet the project’s requirements. It was also a challenge since my inquiry did not have much of the exact information I was looking for, and therefore, I had to link and connect the dots on my own.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry helped me change the way I think by allowing me to reflect on my own family dynamics. By doing research on the topic of how family dynamics affects well being and mental health, I was able to understand the different complexities and the interactions within a family. Moreover, my inquiry project helped me to further investigate something I was interested about. I can approach topics with a critical mind and put together information by organizing it into sub questions.

c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

Moving forward, this investigation has influenced my approach to decision-making. I now prioritize thorough research and analysis, recognizing the potential consequences of uninformed choices. Whether in academic pursuits or personal matters, I intend to apply the skills and insights gained from this project to make more informed and thoughtful decisions.

d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

he impact of this investigation extends beyond my own learning experience. Locally, it may inspire peers and colleagues to engage in similar inquiries, fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and rigorous inquiry. Globally, sharing the findings through publications or presentations could contribute valuable insights to ongoing discussions or initiatives within relevant fields.

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