
Blog #7- Reflection- Inquiry

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges

Sometimes when I wrote my blog posts, I found it difficult to express my ideas on the blogs because I could not find the words to fully communicate the message I wanted to convey. This led to me procrastinating a lot whenever a new blog assignment came out as is was not only hard to write the blog posts but also start it at the same time. However, the way I overcame this challenge was to just dump my ideas while writing, not worrying about grammar or editing since I feel like this was one of the main problem that made me worry a-lot. Furthermore, when I got stuck, I also asked the people around me- like my friends and family to help me brainstorm and organize my thoughts.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?

Before this inquiry I did not know what memory recall was or what an important role it played while studying. For this reason, whenever I studied for exams and test, I would just copy and write down noted from class-given resources instead of actually trying to understand what I was reading. Comparing to what I know now about memory recall, I realized my ways of studying as well as thinking have improved a-lot, especially when studying for exams. Furthermore, I believe this inquiry has also change my way of thinking in terms of how the brain functions and how this affects the way we remember certain things, as I had little knowledge on this topic prior to this study.

c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

Due to this inquiry project, my way of studying and thinking of memory in the brain have changed alot. Through deep analysis and ressearch, I have gain a deeper understanding of the brain structures that involve the processing of memories and broadened my knowledge on factors that influence in our daiy lives. This greatly inspires me choose a career path in the future that has some sort of connection to how the brain function, like pschology, neurolgy, education and health care, as well as motivating me dig deeper in how memory recall can help better enhance learning strageties in school. As mentioned before, this study will definitely help me better study and overall become better at managing stress when facing challenges during my academic journey in high school.

d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

I believe that this study will benefit students around the world who have trouble studying, particularly for exams and tests. Because I am a student and am aware of the stress that comes with education, particularly in high school, researching this subject has undoubtedly improved my ability to learn and retain the material that is provided in the classroom. Since I think that a lot of students everywhere share my sentiments and are looking for strategies to manage both their personal and academic lives, I think that by knowing how the brain processes memories, we can take advantage of this information and discover innovative study methods that are tailored to each of our unique needs.

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