
Blog Post #7 – How Does Physical Activity and Nutrition Impact Individual Brain Chemistry?

This topic is one in which I have shown increasing interest in over the years. I am fascinated by the idea of movement and fuel working simultaneously to sharpen cognitive abilities, and overall functioning as a human being. I look forward to implementing some of my findings into my own life, putting forth a solid effort to ensure that I am the healthiest person I can be.

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?

Over the course of the semester, I was forced to overcome the challenge of uncovering studies that concluded with evidence of brain changes. As this is an incredibly niche and difficult topic to explore due to its thorough scientific nature, I was able to overcome it by drawing some of my own conclusions to more modernized articles around the topics of diet culture, capitalism, and body image. As one can expect, all of these things change the way the brain functions while simultaneously trickling into various aspects of everyday life and mental well-being. All in all, taking care of your overall health requires you to adequately nourish and participate in physical activity. The consequences are inevitable if these lifestyles aren’t implemented.

How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry altered my perception of the most evolutionarily suitable diet for brain health and longevity. The media portrays fad diets as the most effective in achieving aesthetic results. However, our bodies were never meant to chase after a certain aesthetic, especially when it puts the body in a state of stress and ultimately danger. The differences in meal timing and nutrient complexity between males and females is extremely important if one is looking to achieve the best health outcome. Front loading calories in the morning is the best bet for females, while males are typically safer breaking their fast later in the day.

How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

This investigation showed me just how dangerous restrictive diets can be, along with the detriment of ultra-processed foods. Additionally, it weighed the negative affects of over-excercise vs a sedentary lifestyle. In the future, I plan on finding a happy balance measured by my mood and physiological body responses to any lifestyle changes. After all, my body is a temple and it deserves to be treated with the utmost respect and TLC. As a result, I will be able to reap the brain enhancing benefits, and live a longer more fulfilling life.

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

My hope is that this investigation has helped others become aware of how toxic the diet and fitness industry can be, the greed that capitalism upholds, as well as how to a live a life straying away from any deceitful advice that isn’t backed by science. After all, most businesses and corporations only exist to profit, and they will sometimes go so far as to to draining your mental-health and well-being to achieve it. On a global standpoint, I pray that the future generations aren’t held under the same unrealistic standards as we are, as the detriments to brain health do far more harm than good. Preaching balance and the ability to feel good is something everyone should be aware of implementing; after all, we need our brains to function optimally.

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