
The Music Man Story Project – Blog Post #7

While writing my story, I faced a lot of challenges, and also challenges the way I think in a variety of different ways. Therefore, I will address everything by answering the three questions down below:

  1. What challenges did you overcome throughout this story project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?

There are a couple challenges that I had to overcome while writing my story. One of them is remembering what the specifics of what happened during rehearsal. Since “”The Music Man” is last year’s production, I had a bit of trouble recalling what we worked on during each rehearsal and how the production was put together. I overcame this challenge when I found some photos and videos that I took during rehearsal and tech week last year, and I referred to those photos and videos to refresh my memory so that I can write my story as accurate as possible. Another challenge I faced is putting a whole year’s of work into a multi paragraph story. Our auditions were in September, rehearsals were from October to April, and at the end of April was our tech week and show weekend. There were so many things that happened at each rehearsal that I wasn’t able to fit into my story, so I tried to pick out the most important moments, but even that was difficult. Therefore, I overcame this challenge by summarizing up the entire year as a whole and picking out the main points to write about.

2. How did writing and researching this story change the way you think? 

Writing and researching this story changed the way I think because “The Music Man” was the first full scale production that I have ever done, and being in this show changed my life. Before joining, I had no idea that I had such a big passion for theatre and being on stage, but now I truly know what an amazing feeling it is. I absolutely love the excitement of opening night and presenting our months of hard work to many audience members; it just fills me with so much joy. Writing about my past experiences allowed to relive the moment again and truly relish what a great memory last year was. Researching about this story also changed the way I think because I never knew about all the backstage things that goes into putting on a show, such as what the directors have to do. I also never knew about the casting process and the difficult choices the directors have to make in order to cast a show. What they do is incredible and I will always appreciate it. Therefore, after learning more and all about the beauty of musical theatre, I will hope to continue doing local community theatre for many more years to come.

3. What impact will this story have on others locally and/or globally?

This story will impact other locally because they will read all about the wonders and difficulties of putting on a full scale musical production like “The Music Man”, and every time they go to see a show, they will appreciate all the hard work and everything that went into making the production as spectacular as it is. Putting on such a big show is never an easy task. There are so many props and costumes to be made, technical and lighting cues to be programmed, and so many blocking/choreography/lines that the actors have to memorize. The work put into making the shows are insane and I really hope that the audience members can appreciate it. Secondly, this story will impact others globally because I think that everyone around the world will enjoy reading about what it is like to put on a production locally and in a community like Coquitlam. The studio that I study at is not a big theatre company such as Broadway, and the performers in the cast are all eleventh and twelfth graders. We may not be professionals, but we somehow make our wonderful production look professional. In the end, I hope that my story about putting on “The Music Man” will interest and inspire others to pay more attention to the wonderful theatre community that surrounds us.

Below is a picture of the cast and crew of “The Music Man” 🙂

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