
Blog Post #7 – Reflection

Today I will be reflecting on my Inquiry Project and what I have learned throughout, allong with answering the following questions.

  1. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?

Well-being is a concept that includes physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions, which can be complex to understand and integrate, especially when researching about specific topics about environments, social interactions and geographical locations. Breaking down the concept into manageable parts chelped me overcome this challenge. Creating summaries or mind maps to visualize connections and seeking clarification from many different, but reliable sources can also helped enhance my understanding and make it easier to write my Blog Posts. Another challenge I faced was presenting and writing my research in a way that doesnt also answer another one of my sub-questions. As an example, when I was writing my fourth blog post about how the envrionment impacts well-being, it was difficult not to talk about geographical locations throughout muy blog post. To overcome this challenge, I made a seperate document for my fifth blog post and everything I wanted to write in the fourth Blog Post abut locations, I would quickly write down in the second document and save it for my next Blog Post. Aditionally, it was sometimes challenging to find reliable sources, so I would always find the name of the author and check the date that the article was posted, along with reading carefully to see if bias was avoided to check and see how reasonable my sources were.

2. How did this inquiry change the way you think?

I developed a deeper view of well-being, realizing it as a complicated concept that includes physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. This new perspective encourages me to consider multiple factors when thinking about health and happiness, leading to a more educated approach in my personal life about well-being. I have also gained a deeper understanding of how social and cultural factors influence well-being. This awareness can made me more culturally mindful of the broader context when thinking about well-being, leading to more inclusive and effective solutions in improving it. Finally, this inquiry sparked my lasting interest in the subject, encouraging me to continue exploring and learning about well-being and its different impacts. Overall, this inquiry project has profoundly influenced my thinking by broadening my perspective, enhancing my critical and ethical thinking, and creating a deeper appreciation for the complexity of well-being.

3. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

I’ve learned to consider the multiple factors of well-being (physical, mental, emotional, and social) when making decisions, both for myself and others. I now appreciate the value of integrating insights from different disciplines. In the future, I will embrace different collaborations, knowing that diverse perspectives lead to more effective solutions. My increased awareness of ethical issues helps me prioritize ethical practices in all areas of life. I will be more diligent inwhen considering the ethical consequences of my decisions. Reflecting on well-being has encouraged me to make decisions that enhance my own well-being. I will prioritize healthy habits, strong relationships, and a balanced lifestyle in my personal life. Overall, this investigation has given me valuable insights and skills to make more informed, ethical, and empathetic decisions in the future.

4. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

This Inquiry can lead to better well-being programs and policies, enhance education on well-being, raise community awareness, and inspire advocacy for health. It can also help with research, improve cultural sensitivity, and improve ethical standards, benefiting people and communities both locally and globally. Raising awareness about the aspects of well-being can encourage community engagement and different measures. Locally, this can lead to stronger community bonds and support networks, while globally, it can inspire international collaborations and initiatives. Overall, this Inquiry can inspire positive changes and improvements in well-being, benefiting people and communities both locally and globally.

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