
Blog Post #4 Why are teens more susceptible to social media addiction?

In the last blog post we delved into how social media hooks us in and makes us attached, and eventually causes us to become addicted to it. 

Now we will be looking at what makes teens more susceptible to social media addiction. 

Why do the ways of social media affect youth more?  

In the previous blog post, we talked about the social media algorithm and how it hooks users in. One of the main contributors was the For You page, which we previously delved into and looked at why and how it feeds into our social media addiction. 

However, teens are especially susceptible to falling under the trap of For you pages. Teens often view their page not just as “for you” but also “about you”, meaning the content somewhat mirrors who they are, as in their interests, sense of humor, etc. (1) . The For You page acts as a reflection (1).  

Researchers at Drexel Universities did a qualitative interview studying teens ages 13-17 and found that teens really do prefer a social media being accustomed for them, and having content set up with things they enjoy and agree with, and ultimately being somewhat of a reflection of who they are (1). However, it is important to note that teens were aware which their pages are a result of their own scrolling habits, and they also noted how this “reflection” did not challenge their sense of self or impose a risk on their self-identity (1). 

So, while youth may be more susceptible to the For You page set up, and will endlessly scroll, they are not affected by this “reflection” which For You pages have act as, and it merely feeds into their data consumption. 

But if teens are somewhat aware of this, then why is it more difficult for them to stop consuming content compared to other age groups? 

Most times, teens will scroll on social media to avoid being bored and to pass time (2). In past generations, whenever youth was faced with boredom, they would turn to activities such as reading, playing/ interacting with people their age, etc. But with modern times, and youths’ accessibility to endless data and entertainment, it is only natural that they gravitate towards social media as a cure to their boredom (2). 

However, another reason for teens extensive use of social media is escapism (2). 

By using social media to unwind, we tend to use social media to take a break from events going on in our busy lives (3). Yet, teens especially tend to do so compared to other age groups (3). This could be a result of the intense amount of stress which teens in today’s world go through, as it is found that teenagers today have a reportedly higher stress level than past generations (4). This is due to many reasons such as academic stress, financial stress, and increased isolation (4). Thus, it would be only normal for teenagers to use social media, one of their most accessible possessions, as a form of “escapism”, or simply as a break in between everything (3).  

On the other hand, some teens use social media as not only a way of taking a small break, but also as a coping mechanism for even harsher things which they battle (5). Social media can be a coping mechanism for dealing with depression, anxiety, low-self-esteem, and even more complex mental struggles and negative feelings (5). In these cases, social media is like a temporary “remedy” to the negative experiences and feelings which youth deal with (6). Some may even seek out social media as a way of finding positivity and light amidst what they see in the “real world” around them (6). 

These are all contributors as to why teenagers tend to be more vulnerable to social media algorithms, and more prone to social media addiction. Though there are ways to ensure we don’t fall into the trap of social media, which is what we’ll be diving into in the next blog post. 


McDonald              Assistant Professor of Information Technology, N. (2024, April 29). Teens see social media algorithms as accurate reflections of themselves, study finds. The Conversation. 

Malik, S. (2024, February 1). Why teens are addicted to social media. PediMom. 

Aas, V. A. (2023, December 5). How we use media to escape from reality. Sciencenorway. 

Medaris, A. (2023, November 1). Gen Z adults and younger millennials are “completely overwhelmed” by stress. American Psychological Association.,Stress%20in%20America%20survey%20found

Miller, S. (2022, June 2). The addictiveness of social media: How teens get hooked: Jefferson health. Jefferson Health – Greater Philadelphia & South Jersey Region. 

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. (2022, August 29). Why teens find social media so addictive. 

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  1. Hi Sevina,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post and found some stuff in there that i found to be true to myself. I think that it’s so hard for teens to not just resort to scrolling on social media when they are bored because it’s just been around us our whole life. I wonder if future generations will ever not see social media/ devices as their primary source of entertainment? Maybe that could be something cool to look into. I look forward to reading your future blog posts! good luck, and here are some links that could help you with your research.

  2. Hi Sevin,
    I loved how your blog post included why teenagers are more addicted to social media than other age groups. For example, you included that teenagers may use technology because it is time-period where they are the most stressed due to isolation, financial stress, and homework stress. I found this topic important because so many people around me use social media. I find that I scroll on Instagram to escape boredom and as a coping mechanism during a study break. I find myself scrolling longer than I imagined for Instagram. I have decided to work-out to relieve the stress instead of hours on social media. Some questions I have for you are: what are some other ways other than exercise to distract ourselves from going on social media? Does the time limit option on social media actually help teenagers scroll less on social media? Which social media is most addicting and why?

    Here are some resources to further your research: [ALL SOURCES ARE PEER-REVIEWED]

    Thank you,
    Sarah Kim

  3. Hi Sevin!
    I loved reading through your post, I think it is really important that you explore a topic that affects many of us today, especially as a student for other students! While reading your post, I enjoyed that you included relevant photos to each of the paragraphs you were explaining. It made the reading experience of your blog post so much better! I especially enjoyed the part about how as students we look forward to using our phones as a break time and I feel like you can build up on that and connect it to how our society pushes us towards using our phones more and more as well. I feel that a lot of companies push forward unhealthy standards for teenagers as a means to further their agenda, this is definitely a cool perspective you could include into your research if you would like!
    If you are more interested, here are some links that can help you!,on%20our%20limited%20attention%20span.

    Can’t wait to read more,
    Sanam M.

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