
Blog Post #4 – Action Project Marisa

1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples)

As of right now my action project just finished handing out the bags we created in Downtown Langley. We also went into a Tim Hortons and left a few gospel tracks for others to find!!

we were able to hand out many of the bags and all the youth were able to participate in giving the bags we made out to people in their communities!!

2.) What are some successes that you have had? Provide specific examples.

When handing out the bags we had many success with people who were very grateful and appreciative to receive one of our blessing bags. We also had many successes with people being very receptive to hearing the gospel and how they can receive Christ into their lives.

One main example that was a success was, one of the groups with us handing out bags had talked to someone about God and church and the next week they actually attended our church on a Sunday morning. This was such a great praise report and left us all feeling very encouraged.

3.) What are some challenges that you have faced? Have you been able to overcome them? If so, how? Provide specific examples. If not, can you problem-solve some ideas that might work for next time or if a similar situation arises? Again, provide specific examples.

During the Process of handing out bags in downtown Langley one of the problems we ran into was people being a little unreceptive arguing a point that what we were doing was not with it. As a youth group the leaders wanted to ensure the safety of everyone and we were able to navigate and handle these conversations safely and maturely.

I think its important if a situation like this were to happen again that I would emulate the same approach and stay calm to ensure nothing else arises and then handle the conversation in a mature matter.

4.) What are you doing next and why?

Since the bags we created are already handed out, my next plan is to continue create little gospel tracks and leave them around the city. On each card I will put the ABC’s of salvation which are…

Admit you are a sinner

Believe Jesus Christ if Lord

Call Him into you heart and your life

to make each car I will print them out and then mat then onto a piece of colourful yardstick to make them stand out and then I will laminate them to they are ready to be handed and placed around the community.

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