
Blog post #3

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog. Reminder this is my question – How does memory work? Before we answer the big question, I want to go through a process that revolves around memory first. Why is short term and long-term memory so important? Why do we need both and what’s the difference between the two, are there both types of memory? 

Short term 

Short-term memory, also known as short-term storage, refers to various memory systems that hold onto small pieces of information, like memory chunks for a brief period, typically around 30 seconds. It’s like a storage system that is made up of different parts, each part has its own limit on how much it can hold. The reason why there’s limits is because it is helpful for survival, you only focus on the important information and ignoring distractions. Our short-term memory helps us pay attention to what matters most (1). 

Long term 

Long term memory can store an unlimited amount of information. Long term can hold unlimited capacity that can last years (1). Just like short term memory, long term helps with human learning and survival. It helps with a wide range of skills and behaviors. It’s still uncertain whether similar processes support basic sensory or perceptual functions. (2)  

Both memories were created and formed around survival. They are both greatly important and useful. Short term is generally more active than long-term, making it more important. Short term memory does a lot more, it gathers both new materials and old material from long term storage (3). The short-term memory lets you juggle more.  




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