1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples)
I was able to volunteer at the greater Vancouver food bank Burnaby warehouse on April the 19th because it was a Pro-D Day. That day I was sorting all the donations into their respective categories, grains/pasta, baking/cooking, cans, beverages, bulk items, personal items, and expired/dented. I did this for around three hours because that is how long a typical shift is.
2.) What are some successes that you have had? Provide specific examples.
The last shift that I had at the food bank I was sorting food, normally there are 4-8 other people who I sort food with but for some reason this day it was just me. Even so I was able to go through 2 and a half, almost three full crates of food donations, which is a lot. I was able to work fast and efficiently to achieve a goal, and i feel like that is a success.

Here is the size of crates that i had to sort through
3.) What are some challenges that you have faced? Have you been able to overcome them? If so, how? Provide specific examples. If not, can you problem-solve some ideas that might work for next time or if a similar situation arises? Again, provide specific examples.
A challenge that I have faced was the fact that most shifts that are available at the greater Vancouver foodbank are only offered during the school day during the week, which limits me to only volunteering during breaks like spring or winter break, or only on pro-d days, which is what I have been doing. Because of this I have been seeking out other similar opportunities which align with my values and goals with this action project, which is to help the cause of food insecurity.
4.) What are you doing next and why?
Next, I will be volunteering with the Peoples Pantry Food Recovery Society. My first shift with them is this coming Sunday and I believe I will be packing food hampers. I am excited about this because it is a new environment and opportunity. I think it will be interesting to see how they run things there, and how it differs from the greater Vancouver food bank, in their operations, and how they help people.