Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog post page! this is my second blog post for the second semester. in this post i will explain a little more on my action project i will be doing and my reflection on the TED talk video i watched!
My action project this semester is recycling and teaching others specially little kids how to recycle and the importance of it. i plan on doing this action project with some of my classmates in this course. We will go to elementries and some middle school to teach them about recycling. Making them acknowledge the importance of recycling by having a nice presentation as well as an activity which will make them be more engaged. since most kids dont know much about recycling and often put garbage where its not suppposed to be.

I have watched the TED talk video “Not All Giving is Good” and learned many lessons as well as learned to look at life differently. one of the lessons i learned is that we are all facing challenges in our life/ life is complicated “everything is complicated” but we should always try to help other with what we can whenever we get a chance too. Diverse people’s perspectives on recycling and environmental sustainability in general may complicate my action. many beleive that recycling is not that important and wont make a huge impact in our planet however it really does. this is because many people dont know much about recycling. some people think that our planet is in their hands because our planet is on danger if we continue to live our life like this. we plan on changing the future generation mindset and for them to care more about our precious earth that we live in. Creating a larger knowledgement in climate change.We will do a short PowerPoint with a little explanation and facts about recycling. Making it fun by playing some games and prizes for those who pay the most attention.
Our action project is very sustainable because it uses very little money required and is easy to put together since its mostly a presentation with a fun game at the end. All that is needed at this moment is finding schools willing to give us a block to present and teach them about recycling.This hopefully goes smoothly and positivly impact them.
Hi Dara,
I’m so excited to hear more about your project and the journey, and to join along. I love the TED Talk it’s such a great recommendation. I’m so thrilled to start this project with our classmates! and I hope that this project can make difference.