Hi everyone and welcome back to my page! This is my second post of my semester two action project. In this post, I will provide information about the action I plan to do and reflect on a TED talk I watched. Let’s get started.
The action I plan to do this semester is recycling and teaching children how to do it the right way. This action is going to be in collaboration with some of my classmates from this course. We plan to teach kids how to properly recycle and sort their waste and garbage into proper bins because kids never really get properly taught how to do that, which can result in them just chucking their trash into any bin that looks right, which defeats the whole purpose of recycling in the first place. We plan to go to some different elementary schools, and maybe middle schools to give a presentation about how to sort recycling and include some interactive games for them to help boost their understanding even more and keep them engaged. Our goal for this action is to help give kids a better understanding of recycling, why it is important and how to do it the right way.
After watching the TED talk, one of the lessons that the speaker shared was that everything is complicated, which is very true. Some complexity that my action might face is different people’s opinions on recycling and environmental sustainability in general. Lots of people do not believe that recycling is necessary or that it will help the planet in any way and other people don’t even believe that our planet is in danger at all, so our presentation might not be effective or helpful for people with those beliefs. One thing that we could do that might help with this is to include a slide or two in our PowerPoint presentation that explains climate change and why it is a big problem. Doing this might help some kids who are not educated or aware of climate change to understand why it is a problem and how to help. While we are not going to be able to get every single person on board, we hope to at least provide good information for everyone to learn.
This action will be sustainable because it will be fairly easy to put together and does not require any funding. All we have to do is find schools that are willing to have us come present, create a good and informative PowerPoint to show at the schools and put together some games about recycling to get them engaged. This action should be fairly simple to pull off. This action will also provide education and an easy opportunity for students to learn about recycling, how to do it properly and climate change. We will ensure that this is making a positive impact on the children we present it to by making it fun by adding games and prizes at the end.
That’s all for my second action blog post. Thanks for reading!