True freedom of speech is such a rarity nowadays. The true ability to advocate for something you care about has just as equal chances of being labeled as “brave, needing to be said, shining light on underrepresented topics” or “unneeded hatred, offensive, untrustworthy” and its overall a horrible site fortrue discussion to emerge, and the biggest exemplar of this conscept is the mainstream internet with a true melting pot of different social view all clashing together you’d think a more complete understanding of eachother would emerge out of this; instead, what we see is people being radicalized on all sides to a point where, having a real discussion with someone that might disagree with you is a rarity, what I aim to answer is how exposing myself to all sides of the political spectrum may be good or make all the sheltering ok.

I aim to find out in a 3 step plan that goes as follows:
Step one is finding out why people even care about politics so much and why they choose sides so often.
Step two is finding out the affects of keeping to a single political alignment and finding its impacts on freedom of speech and conversation.
And step three is going to be resolving an experiment that I will have been doing for the past year and a half: for the past year and a half I have been trying an experiment of everyday I would spin a wheel of what political affiliation I would associate with for the day and what type of media I would consume for that day. I hope to also show the good or the bad that comes out of being exposed to all political alignments.
For anyone that happens to be reading this, I would highly encourage you to go outside your comfort zone and try and stomach going to the other side of the spectrum and be the “villan” for a week and perhaps you could learn a thing or two from being in the deep end. This could have a personal change on you that might get you to understand what these people feel that you’ve never understood and never given a chance or whatnot. A individual change in those who read what I have to say is what I am here to do for my 2nd project.
Now as for the recourses and for this type of project having good sources is integral as such this is a great starting path that I would encourage anyone following my footsteps to go in: