Hello everyone and welcome back to my page! This post is the first post of my semester two project for this course, which is going to be an action project! In this post, I will share my top and bottom three values from the Values Activity on the action page, how and why they are important to me, and how I want to incorporate them into this project. This will help me start off my action project feeling aligned and having clear values and principles in mind.
After reading through the Values Activity, I will now share which three values are the least and the most important to me. Obviously, I think that all of these values are extremely important, but these first three are just the ones that I am especially passionate about and the last three are the ones I am the least.
My top three values are equality, integrity and opportunity. I am happy with these results, and I think that they accurately represent my values in life. I think equality is always the most important thing, and I strongly believe everyone is equal and should be treated with equal respect and kindness. I also believe in the importance of integrity and staying true to yourself and always trying to be the best version of yourself. Finally, I think that oppourtunity is very important in life and that everyone should be provided with opportunities that benefit them.
My bottom three values are recognition, spiritual growth and power. I still think that these are very important things, but out of all the values on the page, these ones aligned with me the least. I think that recognition is important, but it should not be necessary for you to do good things and recognition should not be your motivation to do the right thing because that seems self-centered. Spiritual growth also did not stand out to me because I am not a particularly spiritual person, but for people who are, then I can see how it would be an important value. Lastly, power is my bottom value because I think that power is a very difficult thing, because it is easy for a person to gain too much or have too little power and neither of those things are good.
For the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the one that aligns with me the most is number 12, which is “responsible consumption and production”. I align with this one because I feel that especially in this day and age, with climate change being a huge problem, it is crucial to be responsible about our product consumption and production.
The project that I am planning to do this semester is in collaboration with some of my classmates in this course. We plan to teach kids how to properly recycle and sort their waste and garbage into proper bins because kids never really get properly taught how to do that, which can result in them just chucking their trash into any bin that looks right. We plan to go to some different elementary schools and give a presentation about how to sort recycling and include some interactive games for them to help boost their understanding even more and keep them engaged.
That is all for my first blog post of semester two. I’ll be back with my next post as the project goes on! Thanks for reading.

- Penelope Z-C