Hi After working on my little script for over a few months I got it to a point where I am happy with it and am excited to show it to the world. So I turned it into a quick executable file which can take the Youtube link of a creator and it will start to record information about the stream like how many donations are coming in an hour, what the average donation amount, and other interesting information about the stream. So I went to some my friend’s houses and I gave them the program and they seem genuinely interested with the script. So here are a few questions I asked and here are some of the responses that they gave back.

Q: How can this help you out in an educational sense?
A: It’s great for gathering information for future spreadsheets and future possible studies like understanding how certain people are getting more donations than others and the kinds of interactions viewers have with their entertainers. Like if you were making a paper for something like psychology piece than this program is incredibly helpful for those who would get to know more about livestreaming and what happens behind the screens.
Q: How does this program help out humanity?
A: This is incredibly useful in bridging the gap from content creator to viewer as the program adds a level of transparency to the content creator for viewers that they could gather data about their favorite livestreamers and they could use it to become their own livestreamers and use the data gathered from their observations to their own content creation process and become a more entertaining and foster better communities.
After all of this I am going to work on some final touches and hopefully by the end of the 5th or 6th blog post, I can make it into an executable that all of you guys can open up and use to your hearts content . For now though, thanks for reading.
For blog post 5 I have been completely done with my current action project and I really don’t have anything to do or talk about since I accomplished my goals of making a program and yeah, kind of empty to answer the question number 3.
I have faced the challenges of not knowing how to code properly in the past and I found that tutorials or asking someone that does know what they’re doing is quite useful and can expedite your understanding of how to code or the theory behind it for future coding challenges like for example if you’re having a tough time trying to understand the syntax of a specific function a great way to understand is going online and finding documentation or someone else having the same problem and getting it answered.

Honestly, those old forum questions from 12 years ago really can come and make it all make sense.
However as for the future, I am not sure what to do and I think I might try and teach someone else how to code like my friend, since in my opinion, the school isn’t doing a good job of teaching something as nuanced as how to code.