How do different foods affect you health?

Question 1: What kinds of food should athletes eat at different times before a game?
This question is about what kinds of foods athletes should eat at different times before a game, such as 2 hours, a half day before, a full day and 2 days before.
Question 2: What are healthy alternatives to normal unhealthy foods that taste just as good?
This question is a way to find healthier alternatives to foods that are normally not as healthy, or when you are craving something sweet, but don’t wanna eat the calories that come with it.
Question 3: How do different foods affect your mental health?
This would help figure out what kind of foods you eat when you are feeling certain emotions, and why your brain reacts differently to different things you eat.
Question 4: Why do you crave different foods and what do the cravings mean?

This question will answer why you feel the urge to eat different foods, how to trick you brain into eating healthier alternatives or getting rid of the cravings completely. It will also explain why you get these cravings and what they mean.
Question 5: Is sugar really bad for you?
My final question is how bad is how bad is sugar for you actually, and what kind of myths come to scare young children from eating sugar, and pressure young people to limit sugar and have them believe that it is bad for them.
The Best Food For Athletes To Eat Before a Competition | University Hospitals (
Healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods (with chart) (
How Food Affects Mental Health – The New York Times (
Food Cravings Chart: What Cravings Mean And What To Eat Instead – BetterMe