As this question has many possible and valid answers, I will be looking at the factors that have the biggest benefits for us. For obtaining the most solid and convincing facts, these will be my 3 steps:
Physical health and endurance

Playing a sport can improve one’s physical fitness and strength. What are some specific physical fitness components that sports help improve, such as the body’s endurance, strength, flexibility, and agility? How do those components affect one’s daily life? I also hope to research the short and long-term effects of people getting exercise with people who don’t.
Mental health and mindset

Playing a sport can discipline people as there will always be someone better than you. It teaches you that in order to achieve success and do well, you must persevere dedicating your time to train for that sport. How does engagement in sports reduce stress levels and promoting overall mental health? Why do people often experience reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression after playing sports? Those are some questions on how sports can greatly change one’s mindset.
Social and future opportunities

Many colleges and universities value athletics as they are a form of cooperation and leadership. As sports aren’t really a main principle that people look at in jobs, I would like to know why sports hold such a significance in something that isn’t sports-related. One common question is, why do people who excel in sports often have opportunities for scholarships, sponsorships, and professional athletic careers?
By providing some key points in those 3 types of benefits that can come from sports, I hope to encourage people to do a sport. Doing a sport can be a major boost to one’s well-being, character, and future.
Here are some sources that can help my research:
- https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/teens/sports-fitness/benefits-of-sports#:~:text=Playing%20sports%20helps%20you%20stay,court%2C%20track%2C%20or%20field.
- https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2020-09/YSS_Report_OnePager_2020-08-31_web.pdf
- https://www.jobskills.org/the-advantage-playing-sports-has-on-you-career/#:~:text=Sports%20can%20help%20to%20foster,opportunities%20within%20your%20current%20field.
- https://tacsports.ca/mental-health-and-sports/#:~:text=Exercise%20through%20sports%20has%20the,helps%20to%20improve%20our%20mood.
- https://halifaxhealth.org/strong-body-strong-mind-the-physical-and-mental-benefits-of-teen-sports/