1.) For my action project this semester I plan to do park clean-ups. The parks I will pick up garbage from are Blackie Spit Park, Semiahmoo Park, and Redwood Park. Most of these parks are in Surrey because that’s where my basketball practices will be and it will be easier to go there. The goal of my project is to make the environment a better place by picking up as much litter as possible. Hopefully, I will be able to get my teammates, coaches and family involved with this action project because then we will be able to pick up more garbage in less time. Furthermore, for my first park clean-up, I plan to go to Blackie Spit this week and put my plan into action.
2.) With my action project I will face many complexities, but I will try my best to overcome each one! One challenge I have is doing my action project after my basketball practices in Surrey. This will be a struggle because I might be tired after, so I will have to persevere through the exhaustion with the support of my teammates. Another obstacle I might face is challenging weather conditions because of the amount of rainfall in April, but we can overcome this by dressing appropriately for the weather. Additionally, selecting parks with minimal to no garbage may also diminish the project’s environmental impact. Therefore, I need to be aware of that and do my research before.
3.) Yes, this action is sustainable because I am able to do this project daily if needed. The small task of picking up litter will improve our environment over time because every piece of trash that is removed can either be recycled or deposited into a landfill site properly. This leads to one less item that could pose a hazard to the wildlife such as birds eating it. Some people may argue that litter clean-up is not tackling the root causes of pollution. However, the crucial cleanup of garbage that is already out in the environment still needs to be done one step at a time.
4.) This project provides an opportunity for my friends to also come out and help me pick up litter which can help improve the conditions of more natural habitats. Also, this project offers an opportunity to raise awareness among local residents about the consequences of littering. This will happen when witnesses notice our cleanup efforts and reflect on their actions, promoting better decision-making on proper recycling. To ensure I am making a positive impact I’ll make an effort to collect a substantial amount of garbage and commit to doing this project multiple times every two weeks.
Unfortunately, I do not have an expert helping me with my action project. However, various organizations and websites are dedicated to addressing environmental issues, including litter cleanup which I can access to support my project. Additionally, seeking guidance from individuals with prior experience in similar initiatives for recommendations on suitable locations and timings will enhance the effectiveness of my action plan as well.
My responses have remained the same with my last semester’s blog post on this action project. I think this is because I haven’t really changed as a person in these past few months; therefore, my perspective on this initiative has stayed the same. Except this time I will be picking up litter from different parks, and I will try to get my teammates and coaches involved as well.
1.) This photo connects to my project because it shows Redwood Park where I will be collecting garbage from.

2.) This photo is of Blackie Spit Park where I will also be implementing my action project.

3.) Lastly, this is a photo of Semiahmoo Park which will also be apart of my project.