Hello everyone welcome back to my blog post! Today I will be splitting my research into three subcategories which I can shape towards finding a good answer to my essential question.
The three subcategories I chose to get closer to my answer are:
- What are the main sectors of types of cars and which cars/brands dominate those sectors? (Luxury cars, family cars, etc.)
- Which car materials are considered the best/most valuable?
- What does the interior of cars consist of and what differences in the interior targets what specific trait? (speed, durability etc.)
These three questions will lead me closer to my answer as they will allow me to form categories of which cars need what, and of what specific traits in a car certain people look for.

Five sources that could help me with my research are:
Although this question was formed out of my personal interest, cars are a very big part of society’s function and innovation is leading to a new wave of car types. Many people also don’t have enough insight on cars to have a concrete opinion, rather they form their opinions off of what other people say. My research is not only informational, but also an important perspective into the future of vehicle innovation.