My big topic inquiry question is: How does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment?
My three steps for my research will be:
What are the 4 different learning styles? I would like to research more on the 4 different learning styles because I hope to find more strategies to study. I will explain the strategies of learning for a visual learner, auditory learner, kinesthetic learner and reading/writing learner. I hope to implement a variety of strategies in my learning process. I also realized that teaching styles are reflective of the teacher’s learning styles. I hope to help teachers implement an effective learning environment in the class, so the students can stay motivated while learning.

What are the roles of an assistant teacher? I am interested in becoming a teacher. One of the steps to becoming a teacher is becoming an assistant teacher. Therefore, I am hoping to learn about the roles of an assistant teacher because it is the milestone before becoming a teacher. Many of my peers are also interested in becoming a teacher, so I hope to help them decide if teaching is a job for them. I have met many assistant teachers during my elementary school, middle school and high school years. I noticed their roles vary depending on the grade levels, so I am curious how their role differs between the grades.

What are the positive and negative effects of an assistant teacher in a classroom? I hope to research both the positive and negative effects of an assistant teacher to create a non-biased answer. I have seen many positive effects of an assistant teacher in a classroom. For example, the students are more motivated, the teacher seems less stressed, and the classroom lessons are thoroughly explained. However, I have also seen the negative effects of an assistant teacher in the classroom. For instance, the students are distracted, the teacher is always teaching the assistant teacher and the assistant teacher is disengaged with the teachers.

Impact on a global level:
This big topic question will have implications on a global level because 90% of the world has completed a primary education. This shows that many people are interested in learning! I hope to increase the learning in classrooms so that the students can have greater access to guidance and help. I hope to also help students learn effectively. I hear many students saying that they spend so much time (almost more than five hours studying.) However, they do not get the marks they think they deserve on the tests. I hope to research more on how to productively study, so we can improve our test scores.

“Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Assistants.” WorkBC, Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.
How Do I Become an Elementary & Secondary School Teacher Assistant? | Vancouver Public Library. Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.
“Education Assistant & SEA Careers in BC.” Make A Future, Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.
“What Does A Teacher Assistant Do?” Western Governors University, Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.
8 Types of Learning Styles | The Definitive Guide. 7 Mar. 2024,
Thank you,
Sarah Kim