Do some research on your possible action areas (or your specific action you have already chosen) that you listed in your Action Post #1.
1.) Provide a summary of the action you are planning and how are you going to start.
I plan on volunteering with the greater Vancouver Food Bank, I have been doing this action for a few months and found it to be fun and fulfilling. Most of the volunteer shifts that i have done thus far have been in the greater Vancouver food bank Burnaby warehouse sorting through food donations, I would date, and quality check the donations to make sure they are safe for consumption. Their motto is that if you wouldn’t eat it or feed it to your family and friends then they won’t give it out, because people in need deserve healthy and fresh food. Another type of volunteer shift that i have done with the greater Vancouver food bank was at their location in Vancouver where the agencies that they are partnered with pick up food. These agencies include shelters and spaces that feed mainly the unhoused population. There I would restock shelves, as it is set up like a grocery store, and throughout the day these agencies were able to pick out items to bring back to where they would be cooking meals for those in need.

2.) One lesson in the talk is that ‘Everything is complicated’. Can you explain some of the complexity that you will face in your action?
One of the lessons in the talk ‘Everything is complicated’ was that not all giving is good , and that you should first undertsand/ask the people you are helping to see if they even need/want the help, because as we saw in the video they wanted to help a family but if they did it would hurt that families relationship with their community. So I think the biggest lesson is to make sure that your giving is something that is actually needed/wanted
3.) Is this action sustainable? Provide some specific examples to support your reasoning.
This action is sustainable because there will always be food insecurity that needs to be adressed, so volunteering at a food bank directly contributes to providing essential nourishment to those in need. This action will always be needed because of the fact that Food banks rely heavily on volunteers to sort, pack, and distribute food items. This action is also sustainable in another sense because food banks help to reduce food waste by taking food from grocery stores that would otherwise be thrown away, as well as partnering with local farms or businesses to rescue surplus food that would otherwise go to waste.
4.) Is this action providing opportunity? How will you ensure you are making the positive impact that you intend?
I believe that this action provides opportunity by helping in food bank operations, which in turn helps to give families and individuals the opportunity to have access to healthy food that they otherwise might not have . I think I ensured I am making a positive impact by choosing a cause and organization that directly addresses a deep need in our community. Food banks are vital to feeding those who are food insecure fresh healthy and balanced food. The greater Vancouver foodbank alone supports over 16,000 individuals and families in the lower mainland.