How does memory work?
Hello and welcome back to my blog! Throughout this year, I have found my memory getting worse and worse, but I am not sure why. Is there too much stuff in my brain, do I just have a bad memory from genetics, or have I always been like this? Therefore, this semester I am going to explore the question of how does memory works.

I want to explore different parts of the brain; I have always found it fascinating how the body and mind work. As I find new and different things about myself, I also find interesting things I didn’t know before about our beings.

After high school I want to go into psychology, and I hope this will give me a step into this subject. I want to learn more about the way the brain operates, and how that affects us as people and who we are. These are all things I want to explore at a later date.
Your blog post is on a topic that many people can relate to: memory. It’s great to see your curiosity about how memory works and your enthusiasm for exploring different aspects of the brain and psychology. Your interest is very helpful for the field you wish to go into.
Here are some links that might be helpful.,the%20brain%20that%20have%20been%20linked%20to%20memory.
I look forward to reading more about your journey researching memory!