1.) Complete the Values Activity.

2a) What are your 3 most important values?
Equality, compassion, friendship
b) What are your 3 least important values?
Spiritual growth, risk, and recognition
3.) Do you agree with the results? What do these values mean to you?
I would say that I agree with the results. Both equality and compassion make a lot of sense to me, i feel as if these values are very much reflected in my political beliefs. I value things like community, caring for each other, social programs, and mutual aid over things like economic growth, or authority. I would also agree with friendship being one of my most important values ,i think to be an active member of a community friendships are an important part of that. I think that friendship, compassion, and equality are all key components of being a part of a community. To me, equality means giving everyone the same opportunities for everyone to succeed. Compassion means caring for others and having empathy towards them or situations they may be facing. Friendship means caring for one another and forming connections with people.
For my 3 least important values I somewhat agree. I think that recognition can be important but not always nessecery. Sometimes seeking recognition for certain tasks can make the intent not seem genuine. I feel like people who are constantly seeking recognition are trying to prove something, so that is why it is one of my 3 least important values. Though recognition is often good, i think that there is a time and place for these things. I think that risk ended up being one of my 3 least important values because it’s honestly just something i do not think about that often, not to say that taking risks is not important, it’s just not something constantly on my mind.I think that spiritual growth was one of my least because I was mostly thinking about these values in terms of how they apply to others in my community, not just what I value in myself , but others. And while spiritual growth is important to me it is not a quality that I necessarily seek out in others.
4.) Research United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
a) Which one aligns with your values most?
10 – reduced inequalities
b) Which one is your passion Why? (This may or may be the same as (a))
There are three goals that really stuck out to me, no poverty, no hunger, and reduced inequalities. All of which I believe to be my passion. An equitable world for everyone is something that is really important to me, which is why i think that these are the goals that stuck out to me as they are things that can help address the lack of equity in our world.
c) Give one specific action you would like to apply to address this goal. If you are not sure of an action yet, list 2-3 possible actions you might like to start.
A specific action that i would like to apply to address this goal is volunteering at the Greater Vancouver food bank. This is something that I’ve been doing for a little while now and i feel as though it helps to address several of the goals I am passionate about in one way or another , obviously no hunger , but also no poverty, and reduced inequalities, which is why I believe it is such an important and fulfilling action to take part in.

Hello Sammie,
What a cool inquiry, delving further into what it means to categorize specific values as either more important or not as applicable based on how they relate to the intricate aspects of our lives. I love that you mentioned how equality, friendship, and compassion are known as the most important, while growth, risk and recognition are the least. I would thoroughly enjoy seeing how focusing on unimportant values has the potential to worsen mental health outcomes. Has a hyper-focus on seemingly surface-level values become glamorized in the media in this day and age? Love the work you’ve put into this complex topic, and I cannot wait to see how you go on with your findings!
Below I have listed a few helpful resources:
Hi Sammie,
I loved reading your blog post. I’m so glad you chose action this semester because your action project seems so interesting. I look forward on hearing how your action project goes. I am so glad that you chose to volunteer at Greater Vancouver Food bank. I can’t wait to hear what experiences and lessons you learned while volunteering. I’ll keep reading your future post because I am also interested in volunteering at any food bank!
Good luck on your future post!
-Dara CM
Hi Sammie,
I loved reading your blog post. I’m so glad you chose action this semester because your action project seems so interesting. I look forward on hearing how your action project goes. I am so glad that you chose to volunteer at Greater Vancouver Food bank. I can’t wait to hear what experiences and lessons you learned while volunteering. I’ll keep reading your future post because I am also interested in volunteering at any food bank!
Good luck on your future post!
-Dara CM