Hello everyone welcome to my blog post one of semester two. This semester I chose to do an action project.
After completing the values activity these were my results For my most important values I got: Family, Innovation, Reliability. And for my least I got: Justice, Responsibility, Power.I feel like the least really don’t align with me I do personally value justice, responsibility and power. But I feel like I find it really depends on the situation, but I do feel like my most important values are things that I value more then the least, so the test was fairly accurate. For the most I feel like they were pretty accurate and definitely some of my most important values I feel like there is a couple I would add such as respect, friends and hard work. In a situation that I showed that these are some of my values I would choose for family the fact that I spend so much time with them and flew across the country to see my cousin’s hockey game. For innovation I would say that I represent this by always trying to find a easier way to do something or maybe I’m just lazy. For reliability I think that I represent this most by just really not trying to let people down whether that be not canceling plans last minute or sticking to my word
For the 17 values the one that I find aligns with me the most is number 12 “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”, this one really resonated with me because I think that doing all we can to help protect the planet and the wildlife is really important.For my project I’m going to do teach children how to properly recycle, like what goes where and also teach them about how it works and the statistics behind it. My plan for teaching them Is to go to school with some of my friends (who are also in social responsibilities) and do a presentation and then some games so it is not boring that way it can be memorable. That is all I have planned for my project so far I’m thinking of maybe also trying to add a competition between schools or classes to further motivate the kids to recycle

Thank you for taking your time to read my post
Hi Savannah!
This is a really great blog post. I am so excited to see your project unfold as I think recycling, and teaching our younger generations how to properly maintain the environment is very important. I thought it was really cool that you took a values test, and just a suggestion for your blog posts to make them more person and to connect them to who you are I think you could include you enneagram or your MBTI in your blogs. These two personality tests are very professional, and could further help you reflect on who you are and why you were attracted to this project.
Here are the links for the MBTI and enneagram tests:
Other than that I admire your initiative and I wish you luck on your action project!! -Laura
Thank you for your post Savannah! I like how you explained why you thought the test was accurate and what values were important to you. I like your idea for this semester’s project as I believe that teaching children good habits, like recycling, when they are young is very important as that is when they retain the most information. By engagingly teaching them, like you mentioned, they are more likely to carry these good habits into their adulthood.
Here are some sources that you could use to further your action project:
Good luck on your future posts!!