Hi everyone, for my project this semester, I have decided to do another story project. I have always loved creative writing and I wanted to put my skills to good use by writing another story. Before writing this blog post, I already had a general idea of what I wanted my story to be about. I plan to write a narrative non-fiction story about my experience last year being in the musical, The Music Man. Being a part of “The Music Man” was such a wholesome experience for me, one that I may never experience again, and I just wanted to share my experience with others so that they can feel like they were on the journey with me.
It didn’t take me long for me to come up with this idea for my story. I wanted it to be about something that actually happened to me before, and I wanted to take a different turn with it this time, since my last story was fictional. This core memory from last year was the first thing that came to my mind. I was so excited to perform the production with so many great people beside me, and I am just as excited to write about it and have everyone read about my unique experience.

hello Julie
I love that you are writing about something that actually happened and trying something new, I also love that you decided to do a positive experience in your life, I find that when people wright non fiction they often wright about negative and dramatic experiences and of course those stories deserve to be true but sometimes it is nice to have a light upbeat story to read. good luck with your story I look forward to reading it
Hi Julie,
I’m also doing a story project this semester! I think it’s so cool how you’re going to be writing about an experience that actually happened to you. I’ve never been in a musical before but the environment has always seemed amazing to me! My story is going to be fictional, but maybe we could talk about our ideas together sometime since we’re both doing story projects? Overall, your idea sounds great and I’m looking forward to reading your story, good luck!
Hi Julie
I really think its so cool that you are writing about something that actually happened and that is so personal to you! I think when we write something we care deeply about it allows us to transform our emotions into words for our readers to feel as well. i also love how you decided to take a different approach from your last story that was a fictional story!!
I really look forward to reading your process along the way!!
If you have any pictures from your show i feel like that would be a great addition to your blog posts as well to show the imagery for your readers, but just an idea!!
-marisa 😊