Hello Everyone! My inquiry question for the second term is “What would a perfect society look like?”.
I chose this question because I feel like society as of now has many flaws; some evident, some discreet or obscure. Some countries or towns may have more freedom than others, or some may have different aspects that make them more desirable to the general public. For example, many people would argue that Canada is better than Noth Korea for many reasons such as dictatorship, oppression, and strict laws.

Another reason I chose this topic is because I believe that good technology advancements is another key to a perfect society; and I love technology. Technological things that could greatly improve society like the solution to world hunger, poverty, and improved healthcare could definitely be beneficial.

One final aspect of a perfect society could be a good government system that operates fairly and is not corrupt. This may feel like an obvious thing but many countries governments are corrupt and majorly flawed. Throughout my blog posts, I will be exploring these aspects and more to address my inquiry question.

Thank you for reading my first blo0g post, and I hope you will join me on my journey of exploring my inquiry question!
- Frederick Han
Hello Frederick !
This is such an interesting question and one that definitely does not have a simple yes or no answer. This question is so interesting because a perfect society to me looks different than what a perfect society is to you, it is also a very philosophical question. Also when i think of a “perfect” society i think of something sort of dystopian , which is kind of scary in its ownn way, but anyways i am excited to see where your research takes you! Here are some links that could help you
Hello Fredrick,
I loved how you listed your ideas that tell what a good society looks like. I want to know how close you can get to perfect in your research. You would need to find out the big problems in our society, and figure out ways can overcome them that are reasonable and realistic. I wish you the best of luck on your research as this is a difficult question.
Here is a source that may help your future research:
Hey Fredrick!
Very interesting inquiry question! This is such a broad topic that many often wonder about, so I am happy you are getting to research it! As someone researching this question, do you personally believe we, as a society, will be able to achieve living in a perfect society? Do you believe the idea of a perfect society would cause harm to humankind or would make a positive impact if put in place?
Here are a couple links I found that may help you while researching your inquiry question.
1. https://bthechange.com/envisioning-an-ideal-society-and-how-to-get-there-f2d437ca434c
This first link talks about what a perfect society looks like and how we could accomplish it (as a society)
2. https://www.exploringtheproblemspace.com/new-blog/2022/5/24/what-would-an-ideal-society-look-like
This website lists out, in simple terms and sentences, things that could build a perfect society.
I hope these links help you out while researching your project, and I can’t wait to follow along!
Best of luck,
Anannya B
Hey Fredrick! Very interesting inquiry question! This is such a broad topic that many often wonder about, so I am happy you are getting to research it! As someone researching this question, do you personally believe we, as a society, will be able to achieve living in a perfect society? Do you believe the idea of a perfect society would cause harm to humankind or would make a positive impact if put in place?
Here are a couple links I found that may help you while researching your inquiry question.
1. https://bthechange.com/envisioning-an-ideal-society-and-how-to-get-there-f2d437ca434c
This first link talks about what a perfect society looks like and how we could accomplish it (as a society)
2. https://www.exploringtheproblemspace.com/new-blog/2022/5/24/what-would-an-ideal-society-look-like
This website lists out, in simple terms and sentences, things that could build a perfect society. I
hope these links help you out while researching your project, and I can’t wait to follow along!
Best of luck,
Anannya B
Hey Fredrick,
This is a fantastic blog post! I especially love all the photos you included because it is so easy to follow along when you are reading. A question I have for you is do you think as technology advances it could lead to more issues in society rather than more positive outcomes as you stated? Below I have provided a couple of links that talk about the pros and cons of technology in our society. Hopefully, those links are able to help you with your research. Good luck with your inquiry project!
The Links:
Mahdiya A.
Hello Fredrick,
Amazing and organized blog post! Your topic is really complex and hard to maneuver, you have my respect for trying to tackle this question! The problem of creating a perfect society have bothered humanity for as long as we had a society. The problem will require you to look at the flaws of society from every possible perspective, while also predicting the flaws that will come up as you fix the more apparent ones.
Here are some links that you may find helpful:
Hi Frederick,
I really like your inquiry question and I think your topic is a very intruiging one that is relevant in today’s society. I think that the idea of using technology to solve crucial problems such as world hunger and poverty is a very good idea and something that I am really interested to read about in your future posts. I’m very excited to keep up with your project and see how it goes. Below are some links to sources that you might find helpful. Good luck!
Hi Fredrick,
As soon as I saw the title, I knew I had to read this post, which is interesting. I love the way you talked about different aspects of society.
This article talks about the government which you mentioned was a flaw in our society which I completely agree with. It also talks about how the government doesn’t listen to their citizens, which is a major flaw if you asked me.
This is a Linkedin website, but it talks a lot about what you talked about which was technology. It talks about the pros and the cons of technology in our society today.