Research United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
a) Which one aligns with your values most?
Goal #1: End poverty

b) Which one is your passion Why? (This may or may be the same as (a))
Goal #1 is my passion, Ever since I was little, I grew up watching my mom demonstrate the heart which I now have to give other in need. As a little girl I watched my mom role mode and show love to the homeless communities by buying them a box of granola bars or something on her way out of the grocery store. This was just something that had just always stuck with me. This lead to my passion of wanting help others in need.
c) Give one specific action you would like to apply to address this goal. If you are not sure of an action yet, list 2-3 possible actions you might like to start.
A specific action I want to take to address this goal, and take a step in the right direction of ending poverty is creating bags to provide those in need with some essentials to lift their spirits, and help them out hopefully!
For my action I hope is to create a outreach within my youth group and create a group where we will make Bags with some essentials (for example, some snacks, socks, wipes, hand sanitizer, candies, giftcard etc.) for the homeless and then to go and hand them out downtown. In my life my faith is something very important to me, and I know that God is always with me, protecting me and guiding me through every season of my life and I feel like showing people the eternal love Jesus has for them and the work he can do through others to help them in little ways can really brighten their day, this is also what I hope to accomplish during the process of this project!