This semester I will be looking as to what makes social media so addicting, and how can break this ongoing cycle of addiction and dependence which we have with social media.

This topic has been important since the mid-2000’s but has raised more concerns especially in the past decade, as more and more people feel dependent on social media and spend hours on different platforms every day.

Every day I see myself and the people around me consumed by the contents of social media and all that it offers.
Recently, as I was once again sucked down the rabbit hole of social media, I found myself wondering why I can’t stop scrolling. This is something which I find myself and my peers struggling with every day. The moment we have free time we dive into social media and start absorbing content, and once we start it’s extremely difficult to stop. Even though we know we should put the phone down, something keeps us from doing so and instead we continue endlessly scrolling.
What makes us not be able to stop consuming content? What makes us go back for more?
Can we ever truly break from this cycle? If so, how?
We are often told to just put the phone down, but why is it seemingly impossible to do so?

By diving into this topic, I hope to be able to learn more about the construct of social media and learn the different ways it pulls us in, but more importantly learn ways which we can untie ourselves of this constant struggle.
I really enjoyed reading your blog post and your topic is really interesting. The growth of social media has definitely helped us make some aspect of life more efficient and fast such as being able to quickly send texts to people who live far away and find information just by searching on the internet. Through this, we can see that there are many positive benefits from the creation of the internet, but there are also some negative implications as well. I definitely relate to endlessly scrolling through social media and struggling to “break the cycle” as you mentioned and im sure many people feel the same.
You’ve done a great job explaining your topic and really excited to read your next blog posts. Maybe you could even explain why social is so addicting and how it constantly creates curated content.
Here are some links that might be helpful,%2C%20retweets%2C%20and%20emoticon%20reactions.