Hi everybody! this is my first blog post for the second semester. i decided to do an action project for the last semester.
the website was suspended but bases of what i read form other blog posts the top 3 would be spiritual growth, helping and family and my least important values were belonging, innovation and equality.
since the website was suspended i had to kind of choose my values but for spiritual growth i would say that that would definitely be in the top of my values. my spiritual growth is important to me because it helps me become the best version i can be so i could help others. What i have realized is that putting yourself first sometimes is important because you can always help others while you haven’t focused on yourself first. i am Christian and that’s why my spiritual growth is so important to me.
Top second would for sure be helping because i try my best to help others and giving back.
then the third would be family because i care a lot for my family and they mean the world to me.

For the 17 ideals, number 12 “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” struck with me the most because I believe that doing everything we can to help conserve the world and wildlife is extremely important. Number 3 “good health and well being” was another one that struck out to me because i think everyone deserves and should have a healthy life. Number 4 ” climate action” is another one that stuck with me because its something we need to take more into action since earth is slowly dying and its all our fault. this is all i can take into action with my project
For my project, I plan to teach children how to recycle properly, including what goes where, as well as how it works and the facts behind it. My plan for educating kids is to go to school with some of my other classmates in this class and give a presentation followed by some activities to keep it interesting and remembered. That is all I have planned for my project so far. I’m thinking of possibly adding a competition between schools or classes to further motivate the kids to recycle.

-Dara CM