Hi everyone, and welcome to my first blog of semester two! For this semester’s inquiry question, I chose to learn about music. After much research and further investigating this topic, I chose to specifically look into how music affects our daily lives. For my main inquiry question, I will research “How and Why Does Music Impact Our Lives, and In What Way?”
I chose this as my inquiry question because music is always something that I have been passionate about. I always wondered why people are interested in certain genres and music artists. No matter what, music is something everyone in the world enjoys as it truly has no limits. Much like clothing, there are multiple types of songs, artists, languages and genres to choose from. Due to its unlimited potential, I find this topic extremely interesting. Researching this topic will help me learn about how music affects our minds, changes our perspectives on certain topics and teaches us new things. Various research also shows that music helps you relax, improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety and helps with mental alertness. For many people, music is a way to escape from reality and a form of expressing yourself.
Additionally, as I previously stated, music also impacts our mental health. Due to this, I wanted to learn more about it and its impact on our emotional well-being. Research shows that listening to music can help with anxiety and even depression. I found this interesting and wondered HOW it impacts our wellbeing. Why does it make us feel a certain way? What about it helps our mental health? How does it help with anxiety?

Overall, I chose this topic because music is something I have always been interested in and passionate about. I can’t wait to look into this topic and further my research. Thank you for reading!