For my semester 1 action project, I chose to take part in the Reading Buddies Program at Coquitlam Public Library. This program entailed Big Buddies (middle school-high school kids) helping their little buddies (elementary school kids) develop a passion for reading. This was done through weekly sessions that took place at the library, where the little buddies and big buddies would get together and read for 45 minutes. The last 15 minutes of each session were dedicated to playing a group game with the rest of the people in the program, which involved anything from a hangman to a spelling game.
Where are you with your action?
I have completed my action for my semester 1 project with the Reading Buddies program as a big buddy. My first semester of my action project entailed being a big buddy to a kid in grade 1 who was a fairly advanced reader for his age. Throughout the sessions, we together, chose books that we thought best fit his reading level and read them with him being the reader and me being the listener. The final session involved reading for 45 minutes and, together as a group, making Christmas cards for seniors in our communities, in which the little buddies would take the lead in designing the cards and the big buddies would help make the final touches. This activity also showed me how my buddy and I did get a lot more comfortable with each other and taught me a little more about how to build a child’s trust through small actions. Actions that included things like always listening to their wild stories and showing interest in learning more about them and their lives.
What are some successes that you had?
I would say my two greatest successes after completing this action were gaining my buddies trust and being able to learn how to do that through developing other important skills, and being able to successfully say my buddies reading skills did improve through the course of the program. An example of how I was able to gain my buddies trust and realize I did so was when, at the last session, he came up to me with a card thanking me for being his big buddy through the course of the program. It made my day when I realized I was able to make a difference to his life and was a person he felt he could talk to comfortably. I would agree that I did this by working on my communication skills, making sure we could tell me about his day before jumping into the reading aspect of the program, leadership skills by taking the lead in deciding whether or not the books he chose were age and reading level appropriate, and problem solving skills to solve small problems, like when he got a nose bleed mid-session and had to handle that, as those were all skills that definitely helped me gain my buddies trust.

What are some challenges that you have faced?
Have you been able to overcome them? Throughout the program, there were numerous mini challenges I had to overcome on a daily basis that included making sure my buddy still enjoyed reading, having to control his energy outbursts during mid-session, and keeping him entertained enough at the same time. However, a specific challenge I was unaware I had to deal with would be when my buddy did get a nose bleed! Although this might not seem like a problem to someone in high school, dealing with it when taking care of a child feels a lot different in the moment! I was scared I would approach the situation wrong, so, I made sure to first ask my supervisor for help. I went up to my supervisor with my buddy to ensure he was aware of the situation and asked him what to do. We together, got my little buddy some paper towels and water to help overcome the minor problem we faced. This taught me to always ask if unsure and deal with problems calmly, as it helps keep the situation under control a whole lot easier.

What are you doing next, and why?
As this action and program have come to an end, I intend to hopefully volunteer as a Big Buddy with the next session when my schedules align with the program and develop the skills I created through the next session as well. I really enjoyed volunteering with this program and believe I gained a lot from this experience. Next, I will also be looking at other volunteer positions in the district that work with kids because of how much I enjoy working with young kids. I will be doing this as I do want to pursue a career in childcare, which is why I believe all these positions as volunteers with children’s programs are extremely beneficial.
Thank you so much for following me on this journey and for taking part in learning about my time volunteering with the Reading Buddies Program at Coquitlam Public Library. If you have any questions on the program or my journey, I would be more than happy to answer them! I look forward to sharing my future projects with you all. Thank you!