a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?
Throughout this inquiry project, I ran into issues finding research material for my blog post, because this topic is not widely discussed by people as the topic about spreading knowledge is thought to be very basic knowledge that everyone would have. I overcame the challenge of not having any research material by browsing YouTube, Google, and other websites for a long time, and I finally managed to find trustworthy websites discussing the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. Moreover, I have also struggled a lot with time throughout this inquiry project because of academic challenges and family problems, I overcame the issue by trying my best to manage my time and try to finish the work as soon as possible when I have time.
b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?
This inquiry changed the way I think as it helped me to realize that there is nothing too simple to research on, the simple things always lead to more complex and less-constructed ideas where you have to think critically for a possible answer/solution to the issues untouched by other people. It inspired me to stay curious about a topic that seemingly is very easy, for there is always more to learn.
c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?
This investigation further solidified my desire to study social sciences or neuroscience in university, because there is so much to learn about the world, and how the world works, and there is so much to learn about the human brain still, as I am really curious about how the world operates and how it operated.
d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?
This inquiry project will hopefully help others both locally and/or globally realize there is so much more to things that seems easy or basic, and that we should never not be curious of something just because of how “simple” it is.