Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog! Today I will be reflecting upon my research this semester and thinking about the impacts of my Inquiry question!
What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?
I encountered some challenges throughout this project regarding the collection of information for certain Blog Posts. Making sure that the information I was putting into my writing was a challenge since topics and information about health science can lead you back to the information you started with. I overcame this challenge by broadening the types of sources I was using and not limiting myself to only sources I recognized. I looked for trusted news articles and articles written by university students to exapnd the type of information I’m reciveiving and limiting bias. While writing about the long term impacts of disease on the economy and healthcare systems, I used these types of news articles and used current day events to fill in some blanks in the collection of the information which helped a lot! Another challenge I encountered throughout my Inquiry was making sure that the way I was describing definitions or concepts was easy to understand since not much background knowledge was provided in more recent Blog Posts. I overcame this challenge by first, making sure I fully understand the infromation I’m writing about and then while writing it, I avoided wordiness in key sentences and made sure that I was still providing key details in my writing. Last, I overcame a minor challenge of making sure the sources I was using are credible. To ensure credibilty of my information and sources, I would look at other sources and sites, when in doubt, and make sure that the information between the sources are similar/supported by each other.
How did this inquiry change the way you think?
This Inquiry changed the way I think since by broadening my perpective of the connectedness of global health. I never knew how much the overall health of one community could impacts others and I learned about the consequences of disease worldwide. This inquiry made me aware of the complexities involved in the identification of disease, control and treatment/the length of the treatment. i realized that it’s not just about the immediate health consequences but also about the ripple effects across societies and economies. I’ve learned that diseases can disrupt healthcare systems, strain resources, and exacerbate existing inequalities. This understanding has made me more aware of the need for global cooperation and investment in public health infrastructure to prevent and respond to pandemics effectively. Additionally, it has highlighted the importance of addressing underlying factors that contribute to disease. Overall, this inquiry has helped me understand the interconnectedness of health worldwide and the need for togetherness when taking action for the well-being of all people and their communities.
How did this investigation impact your future decisions?
This exploration into the impacts of disease has changed my future plans by making me feel responsible for promoting public health and ensuring fair access to healthcare. It’s inspired me to study more about health-related topics so I can help improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities. I want to learn about things like disease patterns, healthcare policies, and how to run effective health programs. this has positively impacted my want to work with experts in the future to find solutions that make healthcare better for everyone. My goal is to be part of efforts that bring improvements to people’s lives, equally across the world. This Inquiry has made me even more passionate about the topic of healthcare and anatomy!

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?
The asnwers and infromation collected from this Inquiry can make a big difference in the impact of disease locally and globally. Locally, they can help leaders, policymakers and healthcare workers identify some specific and narrow health issues in our area better. This means they can use the broad resources we have as a community to tackle these reoccurring problems and make our community healthier and better prepare for any potential issues in the future. Globally, what we find out within our communcity adn from different communties regarding this topic can be part of bigger discussions about keeping the world safe from disease and other health threats. It motivate and help more countries to work together better in order to prepare for outbreaks and improve global health collectively. By sharing what I’ve learned throughout this Inquiry, and through sharing what we know as a community, I hope to encourage everyone to join in making communities everywhere stronger and make a positive impact with the health of those around us.
Overall, I have really enjoyed learning more about one of my passions and hope that my Inquiry has inspired others as it has me! I look forward to writing about my next Inquiry in future blog posts. Thanks for reading 🙂
I loved this topic choice I think it is so important to looking the health care system as it impacts so many peoples lives, as someone who has had multiple larger and smaller health problems I,ve scene first hand how great and how bad an experience with the health care system can be and just how many people are effected. I also think that It is really a great topic since covid impacted so many lives.
good luck with your next project.